INFO: <*> Rakal has drifted into the Game <*>

Rakal has entered the game.

[*OOC*] Blade 'ARRRR

[*OOC*] Rakal

Kirby has arrived.

[*OOC*] Sleepy

Kirby leaves south.

[*OOC*] Rakal

[*OOC*] Blade
'ill pretend im fired for 200 gold'

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'what news'

[*OOC*] Rakal

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Rakal

[*OOC*] Blade
'sure it is'

[*OOC*] Sleepy

Kirby has arrived.

Gocial: Zephyr winks suggestively.

Kirby leaves west.

INFO: <*> Rakal rejoins Reality... <*>

[*OOC*] Blade
'saber is he telin the truth'

[*OOC*] Tyler
'Someone forgot to take their pills...'

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'rakal is a fool'

INFO: <*> Griswald has drifted into the Game <*>

Kirby has arrived.

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Griswald

[*OOC*] Griswald
'Shutting down.'

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Zephyr

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Blade
'why gris'

[*OOC*] Tyler
'For perms? x_X;'

[*OOC*] Kirby
'arg, no one wants these imp guts...'

Kirby drops the guts of a Green Imp.

[*OOC*] Griswald
'AGNP people have pissed me off. That's enough said.'

The Falling Star that you cannot live with out, Zephyr.

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'so youre shutting down an entire mud because someone

pissed you off?

[*OOC*] Griswald
'Now a Mesg. from rakal.'

[*OOC*] Blade
'c'mon gris i bet every one will quit if you tell them if

they dont you will delete there account ot that you will shut this all

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'Just so you know Gris'

[*OOC*] Pipian
'Considering that we make up the majority of your MUDers'

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'AGNP people also helped build the mud'

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'Of course'

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'that's just an observation'

[*OOC*] Griswald
'Yes, And the mud is going down 4-Ever'

[*OOC*] Blade
'give the mud to saber and teach him to take care of it'

[*OOC*] Zephyr

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'uh yoshi'

[*OOC*] Blade
'then you wouldnt have to worry about mud'

[*OOC*] Griswald
'It is MY code.'

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'griswald pays for the mud to be up'

[*OOC*] Tyler
'Not really. Half of it is from ROM 2.4, isnt it?'

[*OOC*] Sleepy

[*OOC*] Blade
'x.X mud never up again..........just doesnt seem like gris'

[*OOC*] Sleepy
'griswald I always hated you and youre a moron so bye'

INFO: <*> Sleepy rejoins Reality... <*>

[*OOC*] Pipian
'Why would he be mad in the first place?'

[*OOC*] Volrath

Gocial: Zephyr laughs.

[*OOC*] Griswald
'This is gris 100 %'

Volrath appears in the room.

[*OOC*] Blade
'gris is like always mellow'

[*OOC*] Tyler
'Dani has a MUD... but hers isnt really modified. It's a

crappy SMAUG unedited version

[*OOC*] Blade
'gris your not acting like yourself or atleast the you i


Gocial: Pipian THWAPS Griswald for being a moron.

Gocial: Pipian THWAPS Griswald for being a moron.

Gocial: Pipian THWAPS Griswald for being a moron.

[*OOC*] Kirby
'it's not that bad...dani's MUD has Kirby area'

[*OOC*] Blade

[*OOC*] Kirby

[*OOC*] Volrath

[*OOC*] Griswald
'Bye-Bye Anime-Heaven. Thought you'd be a good mud.'

[*OOC*] Pipian
'It needs a Zelda area.'

[*OOC*] Griswald
'So long.'

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'Yes so long.'

[*OOC*] Volrath

[*OOC*] Blade
'c'mon gris think about this'

[*OOC*] Zephyr
'Forever, hopefully.'

global> Shutdown by Griswald.