Hastur is outside of the manor at his usual training spot. However, something appears to be wrong. He stumbles all over the area, his body goes all over the place, bending and swaying, and his hands seem to be locked in a position that looks as though he is holding a cup with just his index finger and thumb.

Kent entered the area. As usual for his training sessions with Hastur he was dressed in his green tunic, his slacks, and his sword secured by his side. He raised an eyebrow at his rather large friend. "You okay there, Hastur? You seem... Drunk."

Hastur grinned and turned to his student, suddenly rushing (in a stumbling fashion) towards him, throwing his hands out at him but stopping right before they could connect with his face. "I'm perfectly fine. Just warming up for our training session. This martial art is going to be very different from Wing Chun, as you can see."

Kent jumped back and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, less of a threat and more as a reflex. As soon as Hastur began to speak he relaxed. "Well, seems... unorthidox to say the least, but I'll try it," Kent got in the stance that Hastur had taught him previously for Wing Chun. "So, how does this one work?"

Hastur smirks. "Well, first of all, you'll want to drop out of that stance. That was is more rigid, while the "stance" for Drunken Boxing is a lot more loose and wild." He stays in one area, holding out his hands with his thumb and index finger bent, slightly swaying back and forth. "Drunken Boxing is about trickery. Off-setting your opponent by acting as though you are incredibly intoxicated. You sway back and forth while staying still, and seem to stumble when moving."

"Oh fun. Sounds like something I can do." Kent stands up, and tries to mimic the hand position that Hastur is using. While he doesn't quite get that, his sways seem a bit more refined and his balance also seems optimal. Maybe Hastur could actually work with this. Maybe.

Hastur smirks. "There ya go, already got a good start. Most people would think that this martial arts would be hard to keep your balance with. However, if you're able to keep core above your point of balance, you'll stay completely balanced at all times, even with the stumbling and swaying. Drunken boxing uses all of your body as a weapon. Punching and kicking are major parts of course, but your elboxs and knees can be used to effect, and even your head and upper back can be used in ways that wouldn't result in pain on your pat." Hastur sways back and forth, then shoots his head forward into what would appear to be a low headbutt, then stumbles forward and straightens up extremely quickly, as though ramming his upper back into someone. "See what I mean?"

Kent tested the strength of his hands and arms with some quick punches and elboy jabs to the air. They weren't refined and precise, but they did seem powerful. "Alright, I see where you're going with this. It's like a barfight, right? Try to win, don't try to kill 'em, do damage, and if you get knocked down don't move until you've caught them off guard?"

Hastur smiles and nods. This seemed to be sinking in! "Exactly! Even if you get knocked to the ground, you aren't vulnerable with this." He falls onto his side, then quickly sweeps his legs and stands up, throwing several fast punches. "You could even fight on the ground/ Hitting the legs, locking the ankles, and even, at times, dislocating the knees of opponents can all be done easily, as the opponent thinks you're vulnerable."

Finally this guy was talking sense! "Alright, so, how does that work then? As much as I'd love to go get an ale and call it a day, I doubt that'd be what's going on here." Kent sways a little, trying to get the hang of it. He was trying to not act stiff.

Hastur smirks, still stumbling. "Well, it can be. Say I got kncoked to the ground, or even fell of my own volition. The opponent would come at me and try to attack me while I'm just laying there on the ground. I could very easily get up and assault them, or I could stay on the ground and trip them by sweeping their legs out from beneath them, or even just slam my foot right into the side of their knee to dislocate it. There are several things you could do. You're not defenselss on the ground."

Kent was getting slightly restless. He smiled, and somewhat sarcastically spoke, "So, this going to be a lacture or do you have something you want to show me?" Kent was getting flashbacks to when he was a squire, his Knight always telling him he was too ambitious and ready to get into trouble. Some things just don't ever change.

Hastur smirks and falls backwards, landing onto his back. "here, try to attack me while I'm down."

Hastur smirks. He was proud of his student's ingenuity. However, his student still had a lot to learn. He threw his legs up, using the momentum to lift himself into the air and stand on his hands, shooting his legs straight up to collide with kent as he came down.

Bruise number one for the day. Kent felt like a peon again. He was knocked out of air and onto the side. However, he drew his sword right before he made contact with the ground. Using the extra weight in his hand as momentum, he made a roll and got back up to his feet in record speed before sheathing his sword once more. He turned back to Hastur. "You need to show me how to do that. Even as a human I think I could get some force behind a kick like that."

Hastur smiles and falls backward, moving his legs to be underneath him so he ends up standing. "And I shall, at a later point. For now, though, I think that's enough training for right now. We'll focus more on form and stance later. Before we hit the bar, though, there is one technique I want to show you. This technique is difficult to do, and if you can effectively pull it off, then you know you're well-versed in Drunken Boxing. Are you ready to see it?"

"Nothing you can throw at me that I'm not ready to at least see," Kent responded with a headstrong attitude.

Kent nodded to Hastur. It was less a look of astonishment, but a look of comprehension and analysis. "...Yeah. Seems like something I would do. I would NOT want to be hit like that without at least a bit of armor on." After this statement, Kent chuckled a bit. "And you? Dizzy? With all the spins and jumps you do, I thought it would take something more than that to make you dizzy."

Hastur gets to his feet and shakes his head. "Well, I spin a lot faster when doing the Impossible Strike. Really gets to ya. Anyway, how's about we hit the bar?"

"Alright. You pay this time. I think the bartender trusts you a bit more so it'd be cheaper." Kent smiles and wanders off westward to the road.

Hastur smirks and nods. "Alright. But I expect you to be training on your own, then. I better be able to tell an improvement in your movements!" He follows after his student.