Mollianne sighed, shaking the bottle that contained her last five pills so that they rattled loosely. She was seriously hoping Crossroads was wrong about Monstro Town's destruction happening so soon, because she was going to need to know how to make more medicine, pretty soon. Kyrk's documents likely had the information, but she had to get get it, first. But, for tonight... the siren got to her feet, smoothing out her nightgown and clutching the clear plastic bottle tightly, wondering if she could find the kitchen on her own. Ambience snored lightly behind her, and she glanced briefly in his direction before opening the room's door, wincing as it creaked a bit loudly. Mollianne squirmed out into the hallway after opening the door as little as she could fit, and gently closed it behind her. Another door lay opposite, and that was probably where the Twins were. That meant the kitchen was probably downstairs. Heading toward them, she glanced around at all the fancy works that had been hung on the to tower's walls; a strange taste she had, to be sure, but by whose standards? Landwalkers were weird about their 'art' in general, every one of them, Mollianne reiterated to herself as she gradually descended the staircase, taloned feet audibly click-clacking against the stone along the way.

Agetha was sitting at the table in the kitchen still engrossed her her book. A half eaten donut sat next to a cup of tea on the table within her reach, and a few crumbs remained on the corner of her lip. She turned the page just she she caught the sound of one of her strange guests decending the stair case but she didn't look up from her reading. Things were just starting to get good!

Fortunately, there were at least a few lights left on, more than just the "so people don't trip and break their necks in the dark" gratis lights. Mollianne was thankful that it likely meant Crossroads' mom was still awake, in case she couldn't find the kitchen herself; opting to follow the light that was still on, she reached the bottom of the stairs and turned a corner, blinking a couple times at the decoration of the room. The place was incredibly well furnished and homelike for living alone; maybe Crossroads hadn't actually moved out too long ago? She didn't know, but then, all she really wanted was some water. Mollianne peeked into the kitchen, squinting somewhat in the light. "Ms. Agetha?" Her voice came out a bit meekly, which wasn't her intention, but then she was still kind of groggy from waking up recently.

"Still awake at this hour?" Agetha grinned and chuckled despite her preoccupation. "Are you sure you came here to sleep?" It was almost morning after all, or at least what would be concidered morning hours in this town as there was no way to tell of its approach by simply looking out the window. That was the downside in living in such a place; It was difficult to place time and distinguish between night and day.

Relieved that her host wasn't annoyed at her intrusion, Mollianne stepped around the doorframe and into the kitchen, still holding the bottle of pills. "Yes. I, er..." How was the best way to explain why she was awake? Her body woke itself up due to its inherent desire to mate and needed to be suffocated back down via a magic pill someone had created for her? Somehow that didn't even sound good in her head, let alone what it might sound like in words. "I just woke up with a headache, for some reason. But I have something for it, I just needed a glass of water to take it with." Mollianne shook her little bottle of pills, for emphasis. "Fortunately the kitchen was not hard to find. Everyone else is still asleep, so it is just me. I will go back to bed afterward, and sorry for bothering you about it.''

The elderly woman sucked in a sharp breath and held it for a moment, eyes scanning over the page. After a moment Agetha nodded, and her hand left the page to wave in the direction of the cupboards "You'll find the glasses in there." She then closed the book, holding her place with her thumb and holding it up so the young siren could see its cover. Upon it in bold letters was the title 'Lady of the Serpants' with a fairly genaric woman standing among a group of men, all shirtless with glistening abs who looked towards her in a most romantic gaze. The pattern over the rest of the book resembling a snake skin. Over all, it was a very generic romance cover. "Ever read this one?"

Mollianne smiles thankfully and makes her way over the said cabinet, placing her medication down on the counter as she reaches up to retrieve a glass. Lowering it to herself, she glanced sideways as Agetha showed off her book, shaking her head slightly. "No, I never read a lot of books. My ability to read common writing is actually a little... snubbed. I went to a school for, uhm.. 'special' people, like myself, for a few years, and I got the gist of most of it." She looked down at her glance briefly

Mollianne looked down at her glass briefly. She did miss Vireyda and her foster siblings, still, from time to time. "I came from the ocean. So basic things, like reading and writing, I still lack some depth in."

Agetha tilts her head slightly, "Well, if you are interested I helped Crossroads work on learning the language of this world as well as taught her how to read and write. I could certainly help her friend from the ocean if there was any interest." Agetha opened the book again, skimming over the page to find where she left off. She had been very young when she first came to this world with her parents, so learning the language among other things were picked up much easier by her than her parents.

Mollianne helps herself to the sink after a moment of reminiscing, filling her glass and fishing out a single pill from the container she'd brought, downing it accordingly. She doesn't respond for a few moments as she busies herself with finishing the entire glass of water, and lets out a sigh once she does.

Mollianne sets the glass down, hiccuping a single time and covering her mouth. "Whoops. Well." She smiles, already looking like she were feeling a bit better; a faint redness is apparent in both her cheeks, spread slightly to the bridge of her nose. "Maybe I could take you up on that, sometime. I need to get my friends situated in Viorar now that they have come into town, though. And I have a performance tomor-er." She stops, realizing it was probably morning. "Well, tonight. I work at the Evening Star Nightclub, over on the other side of Viorar. Singing is pretty easy, and does not require a lot of reading or writing. For me, at least."

Agetha runs her finger over her lips in thought then licks it, using it to turn the page of her book, "I am familiar with the place. Haven't been down that way in ages though. Bit of a ways for an old woman such as myself to travel." Agetha said with a nod, "But I understand. You did just get into town at all. I am sure getting situated is going to be your priority."

Getting situated -again- would be a better way of putting it, but that was neither here nor there, especially since Crossroads asked them to put up a vow of silence on the matter. Mollianne instead nodded, capping the bottle. "Yes. Thank you again for letting us sleep here for tonight. I will be sure and let Crossroads know when I see her again that you were a gracious host to us all, and that she has a very compassionate mother." The siren smiles pleasantly, feeling the effects of the medication already start to work, and gratefully so. Mollianne didn't want to be the one to explain to Ms. Aura how she scared her son away with... uh, well, nevermind.

"Always happy to help and meet friends of my daughter." Agetha said with a smile, her attentioned being pulled away again by her book and only half remaining on you. "I plan to go do some shopping later. If you are not up before then I'll be sure to wake you. In the mean time you should rest and allow that headache of yours clear."

Mollianne nods openly, stifling a yawn that had suddenly decided to surface. "I like that idea very much. Thank you again, and have a good rest-of-the-morning." She made her way out of the kitchen, temporarily keeping their near-future problems at bay for now. She just wanted to sleep; she could worry about what to do between Monstro Town's destruction and finding a new place to live when she woke up later.