The state of the manor wasn't entirely unusual this evening, there was some degree of activity but nothing nearly as bustling as two weeks ago. Many of the attendants moving about were just messengers, looking for members of the Paranormal Deliverance Force to inform them of a meeting. Standing near the eastern hallway as Egon, analyzing information on his tablet.

For once, Twilight Sparkle is out of her room, without her books as she slowly trots through the manor and studies the paintings.

Helios hovers in from the back hall, not wearing anything silly on his head this time. He looks around the hall for a moment before noticing Egon looking at his tablet. "Hey, Egon! Did the proton beam work yet or no?" He hovers over to him, nearly bumping into Twilight on the way. "Oh, pardon us."

Outside of the room she's found as her bedroom, Lynette Bishop is cleaning her flight unit, making minor adjustments and repairs to the bulky gear. It seems rather large for the smallish girl, though she seems happy and is humming a little tune "White Cliffs of Dover" if a discerning ear can regonize.

Julexa wakes up with a splitting headache. She gets out of bed and slowly makjes her way downstairs, with some soft groans as she contemplates WHY eating all of that chocolate was a good idea.

Mekis entered the mansion atop Esteban, arriving due to a message he had recieved from the ghost hunters. He wasn't sure as to the nature of this get together, but he still needed to challenge the man. That, and he hoped to learn more on those runes he had spoken of. He didn't advocate magic, but he knew its place.

"I haven't been able to really test it yet..but it's good you're here. Round up everyone you know here and meet up in the meeting room down the hall. The Chief's got an announcement to make." said Egon as he closed out his work on his tablet, nodding towards Helios before approaching others he recognized such as Twilight, Lynette, and Julexa to inform them. Plenty of the other attendants spoke the same thing, as word of the meeting seemed to be the reason for the buzz.

Helios nods and tuns to the others in the hall. "Well, you heard the man! Head out to the main hall, we will meet you there." Helios hovers off, making a note to go and meet some of those new faces when he gets a chance.

Julexa nods and sighs. She makes her way to the meeting room and a table and shimmies up the leg of the chair to sit down and attempt to stay eye-level with everyone..but probably fail.

Mekis dismounted Esteban, walking to the center of the main lobby. Once there, he shouted, "Pardon me, but can someone show me the way to the meeting? And sooner than later would be preferred." Mekis stood, watching as an attendant approached to show him the way.

Looking up from her work, Lynette Bishop gives a nod before making some last minute sweeps with her cleaning cloth before returning them to her bag, then pops inside her room to grab her gun before heading to the meeting room.

Even though she'd been admiring the paintings, hearing Egon mention an announcement has Twilight Sparkle nodding and moving for the manor's conference room at a brisk trot.

Oboyo could be seen inside the meeting room, waiting for everyone to gather. Once enough time had passed, he nodded towards an attendant to close the door. "Thanks for coming, everyone. I've asked you all to come because of a job here in Shrike. We've been hired by a chef to investigate a haunting, but he hasn't given any details yet. I'm about to set out to meet him. Who wishes to come along?"

"The M85 and us are game, though the M85 may be a bit unecessary. Will we be getting any extra equipment?" Helios pipes up from the left side of the room.

"I'll join you. Besides, I'm not really doing much right now, since the library seems to be well-organized - and it'd be a good opportunity for me to gain more experience in handling these." With a small smile, Twilight Sparkle levitates the parts of her sniper rifle out of her saddlebags, even as she rests her forelegs atop the right edge of the table.

Julexa twitches an ear. She nods slowly--maybe some fresh air will help her head clear. She listens a bit closer, in case there's any other information she'll need to know.

Mekis liked the idea. More experience with these supernatural beings. May come in handy. "I shall join you on this quest. So long as I get a percentage of the loot if there is any to be had." He paused. Then he added, "My first offer is 20%."

Trixie looked about as she walked into the hall fashionably late, scoffing as her eyes came to rest on Twilight before she turned her head up and made her way to the opposite side of the room from her "I probably should go along to find out what we're doing, but I'm not going to work anywhere near -that- unicorn." she found a place to sit and turned her attention to Oboyo as her cloak fluttered along her back.

"Hmm..just a bit, Helios. We should leave him here for now." said Oboyo, nodding towards Helios. He then nodded towards Twilight and the little pichu. "Heh, I doubt there will be much in the way of loot but you're free to take what you find, provided it doesn't belong to anyone." Oboyo then crossed his arms as Trixie shamelessly barged in late, worried about any further dischord between her and Twilight.
"This should be enough, thanks for volunteering. Meet me out by the front courtyard when you're ready. Everyone else, thanks for coming and wish us luck!" said Oboyo as he waited for the room to clear out a little before leaving himself.

Julexa slides down the leg of the chair, landing on the ground with a soft plop. Then, she makes her way towards the main hall and the front courtyard...not much she needs to do in the way of least, she doesn't think so.

Unfortunately, the all-too-familiar voice of her rival has Twilight Sparkle sighing and shaking her head as she heads for the front courtyard. "I still don't get why you hate me, Trixie, but now's not the time for me to worry about trivialities."

Mekis headed to the courtyard quickly. He was ready to fight. After feeding Esteban of course. He was a good mount who deserved his reward for loyalty.

Trixie trotted after the group, keeping away from Twiligh, the pony's horn glowing as a small liquid-filled bead floats out from beneath her cloak.

Oboyo arrived in the courtyard, nodding towards Ms. Kuporia as she closed the door behind him. He looked over the group, keeping a particular eye on Trixie. "The guy we're meeting is just down the street, so we obviously aren't going to take the Gitmidur. We're also not going to be eating least I won't, based on what Lionel told me." With that, Oboyo set off for the street, making sure no one got left behind.

Julexa begins to scamper down the street, possibly catching up with Oboyo if he started walking aready. If not, she slowly starts her way down the street but makes sure to stay within earshot just in case she gets too far ahead.

Trixie continued after the group, making her way over to Helios "So, I've been wondering, what are you anyways?" another bead floating out from under her cloak to circle around the other.

With another shake of her head, Twilight Sparkle starts moving alongside Julexa and Oboyo, taking a moment to cast one brief glance back at Trixie before returning her gaze to the road ahead and storing her sniper rifle back in both saddlebags. "Alright."

"Hmmm? Oh, hi there. We are a scout mechon M35 series, though that dosent really mean anything here. Our name is Helios." He looks over at Trixie. "Who are you, we haven't seen you around here before."

Mekis mounted Esteban, then ordered him off. At the mention of not being fed, Mekis searched through his bag to find a snack. He found a loaf of bread and a bit of butter. Thinking again, he put the butter back and got a little salted meat and a wedge of cheese. Better.

As the group arrived at the cafe, Oboyo opened the door and held it open. The gesture could seem strange to some, as those of noble birth often didn't possess such manners and humility. Inside the dilapidated cafe was a large bipedal frog and not a single customer. He smiled widely and rose his arms up in joy. "Bonjour! Welcome! What can I get you? Perhaps a Cricket Cake? Ze Fly Pies just came out ze oven, a most fitting delicacy for your zastes, non?"

Julexa scrunches her nose slightly and shakes her head. Crickets and flies didn't appeal to her that much, so she just keeps quiet and doesn't see anything.

"Uh..." Twilight Sparkle raises an eyebrow at the rather unusual menu, cringing inwardly as she levitates her saddlebags onto a chair before sitting down beside them. "I think I'll pass..."

Trixie smiled brilliantly "I am The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, maybe you'v-... no, of course you haven't" she mutters quietly to herself as she looks aside "Well, in any case, I doubt it will take long until word of my greatness is spread to the far corners of the world." as she approached the cafe and heard the menu, she grimaced, stopping in her tracks and almost dropping her beads "I certainly don't plan to have an appetite for a few more hours, so I'll pass as well" Trixie drew another couple beads out, pressing one against the central one while the other two orbit around it.

Mekis considered the offer. He may not eat such things, but Esteban was certain to enjoy such a treat. "I'll take one my good sir. One of the cakes to be specific. How much?"

"Right, then. No thanks, we will pass on... all of that." Helios isn't too fazed by the ideas, not needing to eat and all that. He glances over at Trixie as she plays with those beads for a moment before turning back to the frog. "So, what seems to be your ghost problem?"

The frog seemed pleased to make a sale for Mekis, but was interrupted by Oboyo. "I'm sure your work is top notch, sir. But I'm afraid we aren't here to eat. I'm Oboyo Jinsaka, chief of the Paranormal Deliverance Force. We're here to listen to the details on the job you offered, don't quite remember your name.."

The frog sighed as he showed the menu to the moogle, namely the list of cakes and their prices. Cricket Cake - 200 Silver. Chocolate Roach Upside down Leg Cake - 300 Silver. "Oh, mon ami..yez, yez. I am Ekal Hoppa De Pe Tapeta, but you can call me Jean. Yez, yez, a most horric monster has been zerrorizing ze city! I heard about your group from one of ze other chefs, and zought to ask you for help. Do you know of Sei Tomb?"

"Ahhh... No. Care to tell us about it?" Helios hovers around the shop, running scans while talking.

Julexa blinks and looks up at Oboyo. "Pichu?("Sei Tomb? What's that?!")" She asks, looking at the frog chef and then back to Oboyo.

"I can't say I've heard of it, no." Twilight Sparkle levitates a small notepad and pen from one saddlebag to take notes as she listens, keeping her gaze focused on the chef. "Please enlighten us, though."

Trixie continues drawing more beads from under her cloak to join the others, spinning and rotating around a growing core of beads while she waits.

Upon looking at the choices, Mekis decided upon the Cricket cake. Crickets were a favorite of Esteban's. Pulling out 200 silver, Mekis held it out to the frog. "A cricket cake sounds fine. Though please explain this tomb before the cake, if you would be so kind."

Jean prepared to explain, but was interrupted by Oboyo. He instead took Mekis' silver and handed him a cricket cake. "Sei Tomb is a grave not too far from here. It's something of a tourist spot for adventurers, though the danger there is quite real. The goal is to solve the riddles and take home a replica of Sei's Sword as a souvenir. What about it, Jean?" said Oboyo, expaining the locale to the others.

Jean nodded. "Yez yez, zat is ze place. Recently, a most foul spirit has zaken up residence zhere. No one will investigate, since ze tomb is meant to be dangerous. But ze spirit leaves ze tomb, and terrorizes ze city! Won't you pleaze help?" asked the Frog, staring at the group with wide eyes. Oboyo glanced over everyone, "Well. What do you guys think?"

"WEll, it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Even if the spirit isn't there, we should be able to pick up it's trail." Helios nods and finishes scaning the shop before moving to hover near the door. "We are game to go and look there."

Julexa nods. "Pichu.("I'm ready to go and check it out..")" She says, nodding and heading towards the door along with Helios as she has more of a "Let's get it over with" then a "I want to see it for myself" attitude to her voice.

"I'm all for investigating - after all, I didn't join just to sit around doing nothing." Twilight Sparkle, after taking those notes, stores the writing equipment back in her saddlebag.

Mekis looked at the cake, a smile on his face. He placed it before Esteban, watching a moment as he ate. Then he turned his attention to Oboyo. "I would suggest recon. Ask around to see if we can find more specific information on our foe." Mekis turned back to the frog. "Are there any specifics you can tell us about this spirit? Such as appearence and behaviour?"

Trixie gave a shrug as she strung a few different cores together "It isn't like I'm going to trot my way back to Equestria... I'm in for what it's worth."

Jean shook his head, "Non, non..only zat it vas bigger than moi, had a rainbow colored tongue, and ze most foul of 'Blarg!'ing. And zhank you all, but pleaze be careful." Oboyo nodded, "We'll look into it, don't worry. And once we succeed, word of our group is sure to spread around. Alright everyone, let's go." Oboyo then headed for the door. "Sil vos plait!" said the Frog, tending to his burnt roach pies.
"Sei Tomb is down this street here. As I said before, skilled adventurers use the place as a testing ground. I'm sure we'll be fine, but be on your toes nonetheless. I think that we can handle the place with just us."

Helios follows Oboyo out the door. "Right, let's go and get some scans." Helios heads off down the street.

With a nod, Twilight Sparkle follows closely, horn sparking as she keeps an alert eye on her surroundings. "It's prudent, also, to stay close together... Yes, Trixie, that includes you - I know we don't get along, but this is a time we'll have to put our rivalry aside."

Trixie laughed at the suggestion as she followed "Please, you think me so atavistic as to endanger the mission over something so jejune."

As the group arrives at Sei Tomb, a scared adventurer barrels out from the entrance and doesn't stop, running past everyone. "Screw that sword! I'm outta here! Waaaaah!" he shouted, causing Oboyo to raise his eyebrow. "Well, that's a nice way to start things. Alright, listen up. Stay away from the walls, and don't get too close to the empty armor statues. Twilight, do you have something that can light the way?" asked Oboyo, looking back at her while entering the tomb.

"A simple illumination spell? Just a moment..." For a moment, Twilight Sparkle closes her eyes in concentration, before opening them as her horn turns a bright white from the invocation of Lumina's blessing. She makes sure to keep the intensity down, though, to avoid blinding herself or her teammates. "Ah, there we go - that isn't too strong, is it? And got it."

Julexa looks up at Oboyo, and makes a mental note of this as she inches closer to the tomb to look inside, but doesn't go inside before anybody else so she doesn't become the target for..well, whatever was in there.

Mekis entered the tomb, keeping wary of the surroundings. Esteban hesitated, sensing some strange presence inside. But his master may need him. And besides, the cake had been rather good. That frog knew what he was doing.

"Good, we will take point. You stay with the others, Twi." Helios clicks once as his lens flares into a bright green beam of light. "We will meet you inside." He hovers into the tunnel.

Trixie stared dumbfounded at Twilight as her beads clatter to the ground, just managing to keep one afloat, bringing a hoof to her chest "By Luna, where did you learn to do -that-?!?" she simply follows after the group, leaving the beads alone and forgotten for now, packing the one away in her cloak again.

Once inside, the tomb was as one would expect it: dark, full of caskets, and the occasional armored statue. The grave was silent at first, but as some time passed the group could no doubt hear a blunt 'Blarg!' coming from deeper within. Oboyo blinked a couple of times. "Huh, he wasn't kidding. The ghost really does say 'Blarg'." He then looked back briefly to say "Stay on your toes!" before heading deeper inside.

Several flashes of red light can be seen as Helios shoots at an armor statue much farther down the tunnel. ACK! Can one of you come down here in a convinent assist!? We need a bit of help!"

"It's a spell I picked up from what's called a Mana Spirit here, Trixie, by way of getting her blessing." As she moves into the tomb, with the rest of the group, Twilight Sparkle keeps close to the back, with her horn flaring brilliantly to provide light. your warning earns a nod from the Magic-bearing unicorbrarian, at the same time she narrows her eyes. "Be ready to cast an attack spell..."

"Attack spell.... right..." a few objects float from Trixie's cloak to float nearby as her horn glows brighter.

Upon watching Helios' lasers fly, Oboyo reached into his jacket and pulls out his custom staff, snapping the three pieces into one. He runs forward to catch up to Helios, holding his left out. The statue puts up no fight and falls apart with ease, but what arises from the statue is something far larger than the statue itself.
A large ghost with a rainbow colored tongue and the consistant urge to blarg and rargh about. It glares at the group and screams loudly, 'BLARRRG!' towards them as it advances closer! Oboyo started to step backwards to get away from the ghost. He concentrated his thoughts on the rune's power, causing his left hand to glow cyan. He then fires a luminous ball towards the ghost, causing it to become tangible and slightly brighter in color. "Ngh! Get back!" barked Oboyo, accelerating his pace.

"Ah, thank you you. We may have overestimated out fighting prowress." Helios charges up another laser. "Take this!" He fires it at the ghost.

"Holy...!" Even if there hadn't been a command to move back from Oboyo, Twilight Sparkle still does, eyes widening slightly as she catches sight of the large apparition advancing on them, at the same time she dispels the illumination magic and quick-casts a small volley of fireballs from her horn.

A few daggers streak through the air to strike in a tight cluster at the chest of the ghost as trixie's horn glows a mosty blue, a glowing icicle flying at the ghost to split the daggers apart, before the icicle exploded with lights and sparks.

Following the light show, a few streaks of electricity can be seen arcing out and aiming for the metal in the daggers as the pichu can be seen glowing with a bright yellow-blue light. Julexa is pouring some extra energy into her lightning as she aims for the ghost and the daggers to conduct electricity better.

Mekis chose against running. It probably wouldn't end well, but his principles compelled him to fight. He fired several arrows before it got closer. At this, Mekis put his bow away and grabbed a dagger, keeping an arrow in hand. He turned, waiting for a chance to jump on it. Too many things flew at it to be safe at the moment.

Satisfied that the spirit rune's power was working, Oboyo reached into his jacket and grabbed his handgun, taking a few shots towards it. The maneuver was weak in comparison the spectatular display of the others, but every bit helped.
The enormous ghost watched in bewilderment as the various attacks make contact to its ghostly body. It felt no pain, but it could see its ghostly material gradually diminishing from existance. The thought fightened the primal spirit, causing it to let out a 'Blaarrrg! Blaarrrrg!' while conjuring a couple of ghostly fireballs in its hands, tossing one towards Twilight and the other towards Julexa.

Even as she watches the tri-elemental and laser attack hit the ghost, Twilight Sparkle crouches close to the ground, shielding her eyes with both forelegs as one of the fireballs speed at her.

Julexa sees the will-o-the-wisp coming her way, and she picks up some speed and jumps, twisting in the air as she passes by the ghostly ball of fire, the fur on her back being completely singed to the roots, but otherwise she is mostly unharmed. When the ball of fire exploded behind her, it gave her some momentum as she quickly expelled some electricity from her body to make a walkable pathway under her feet-
The speed of her running causing her body to become cloaked in static electricity. As Julexa reaches the the ghost, she suddenly pulls a 180 and stops, the electricity forming into a ball of condensed energy headed straight for the ghosts's face.

Helios said little as he fired a few more lasers at the ghost. What more could be said when you were shooting light out of your face?

Trixie dashed towards twilight and whipped her hat at the fireball, with streams of water dripping off it, to have it freeze solid in front of Twilight like a wall of icicles, the fireball exploding and entirely destroying the showmare's hat, small chunks of ice harmlessly clattering to the ground "Don't be useless. I don't need you dying before I can prove I'm better than you." she turns without another word to the battle, launching a few more icicles from under her cloak.

More of the ghost's material withered away as it rose its fists up, attempting to smash both Melkis and Julexa.

Though she's fully expecting to be struck, Twilight Sparkle's looking up as Trixie steps in to intercept the fireball and blinking dumbly before rising to her hooves and following through with another fire-orb volley at the same time she raises a barrier for defense.
Twilight says 'Thanks, I guess...'

Julexa looks up at the ghost, as it appears to be rearing down on her. She jumps backwards a bit as the lazy fist hits the ground, and she scampers backwards a bit to stay away from it's fists as another bolt of lightning fires from the Pichu.

Having gained purchasethrough the arrow, Mekis jab at the ghost a few times before sheathing the blade. Stretching out a now emptied hand, he grabbed onto Esteban's leg, gliding a short distance toward his two equian partners. Once back on ground, Mekis began firing arrows at the creature.

A few more pops occur as half of Trixie's icicles in the ghost explode with more sparks. She launches some fireballs at the ghost as well, for good measure, which explode on contact, splashing down flames across the ghost.

Oboyo watched as the ghost's material gradually whithered away, but the spirit was rather large. Their attacks would take too long and they would surely slip up and get hurt sooner or later. It was then that he noticed that the ghost had kept its distance for some reason, refusing to approach the group in the back. Oboyo took his gaze off of the ghost and glanced towards Twilight and Trixie for a second before looking back. 'Could it be that simple..?' thought Oboyo as he put his handgun up.
"Twilight, can you move this light closer to it?" asked Oboyo, seemingly on to something.

Julexa would keep it up, but when she tried, only sparks jumped from her cheeks, and she abruptly fell backwards onto her bottom. Panting some, it appears her electricity was spent from that last attack. So, she stays near the back to rest and try to build up her electricity again.

Nodding once again, Twilight Sparkle moves closer, seizing the orb of light with her magic and levitating it closer to the spirit. "You think that's what's hurting it, and making it afraid of coming after me or Trixie?"

Trixie halts her barrage to watch as Twilight moved the light in, keeping her materials in reserve.

Mekis paused, bow string taut and arrow ready. Oboyo appeared to have some odd notion on this being. Mekis waited, confused mildly.

The ghost began to cower back as the light began to approach it, causing it to summon ghostly fireballs to its hands and sending them both towards Twilight. "Get down!" shouted Oboyo, moving away from Twilight to avoid any splash damage.

Helios backed away as well, though he fired another laser at the ghost to keep it on it'd toes.

As she watches the pair of fire-orbs close in, Twilight Sparkle closes her eyes, diving to try and avoid being struck.

Releasing his arrow, Mekis quickly readied another. Mekis could not help, both due to distance and lack of any other ideas. So he fired arrows, keeping light on his toes.

Julexa had just enough time to get a second wind as she saw the fireballs coming at Twilight. She scattered away, however when she moved, the fireballs were already upon Twilight and she was caught in the blast they made, sending her a short distance across the room, hitting her head sharply on one of the statues legs, knocking her clean out from the impact.

The ghost continued to retreat from the light, not easing its fiery assault on Twilight. It seemed determined to take her out and not anyone else. The wall of the tomb was not far behind it. As one of the fireballs approached Twilight, Oboyo spun his staff vigorously and attempted to deflect it. His weapon made contact, but the fireball's explosion burned his hands. He growled and dropped his staff, taking a few steps away from Twilight's position.

By this point, a severely-burned Twilight Sparkle drops the orb and attempts to teleport away in quick succession, ignoring her wounds as she focuses on getting out of danger.

A swarm of beads fly at the fireballs as Trixie steps up beside twilight, though as the mare teleported away, Trixie continued launching her buckshot of beads at the ghost as she takes the orb and begins walking slowly and menacingly toward the ghost "It's my turn now"

Mekis felt useless within his current strategy. As such, he changed tactics. The orb had seemed to affect it before, so Mekis went toward it. Upon grabbing it, he called for Esteban, who picked him up and flew him toward the ghost. Oh dear.

Trixie growled lowly as the orb was snagged from the telekinetic grasp of her horn "Hey!" she snarled and, instead of her beads, began launching fireworks at the ghost's flaming hands.

As the light makes contact with the trapped ghost, it cries out and starts to melt into a pile of ectoplasm goo. 'BlarraAAAraarrrrggg!' were its final words, a testiment to its experiences as one no longer of the living nor dead. Once the pain passed, Oboyo reached down and picked up his staff, releasing its holds and putting the three-piece weapon back into his jacket.

With a pained groan, and a wince, Twilight Sparkle carefully tends to her burns, making sure to avoid getting dirt into them as best she can while watching the rest of her group. "I... Well, THAT could've gone better. OW, that stings... Sorry, Oboyo..."

Mekis was proud to have been victorious. However, he was disappointed by the lack of loot. Wanting to not leave empty handed, Mekis searched through his bag and found a jar, into whiich he scoop up some of the ectoplasm. He wondered what value it would have. Upon hearing Oboyo's question, he shrugged, not knowing much about the purple miniature horse or its magics.

Trixie trots past Twilight with a hmpf on her way out of the tomb. "She did say something about it being blessed I suppose."

"Bingo." said Oboyo, nodding towards Mekis and Helios as he followed Trixie out of the tomb. "Light is one thing, but light blessed by the mana spirit Illumina is another matter. I'm impressed, I had no idea you met such an important figure in the cleft." As he reached Twilight, he glanced over at her burned body. "Are you alright?"

Helios floated onwards, catching up with Trixie and exitting the tomb. "We had no considered that avenue. We are indeed aware of Twilight's visit to the Mana Spirit of Light. Alas, we regret that we can't join you to report our victory to..oh, give us a moment..ah, yes! Ekal Hoppa De Pe Tapeta. Please give him our regards, as we need to return to ship to finish some essential routines. Until next time." With that, Helios floated off back towards the manor to meet up with the M85.

"I'm probably going to be out of action for a few days, while I recover..." Twilight Sparkle looks up, smiling wanly as she prepares to head back to the manor. "But, if I don't strain myself between now and the last day of my healing, I should be fine, Oboyo... And thank you, Trixie, for stepping in to protect me."

Trixie sighed and turned around, walking back towards Oboyo and Twilight, she stopped right before the other mare "You really are hopeless, aren't you..." she hesitated a moment and held out a hoof to the magical mare.

Mekis felt saddened for the small horse. He wanted to help, so he walked over, assking, "May I help? I have several various creams for burns. Bandaging never hurts." He began removing the materials he would need. "By the way, I never did get your name. I am Mekis. Who are you?"

"I don't exactly see how choosing to live humbly is 'hopeless', but if that's how you see me, Trixie, then that's fine." With a half-hearted shrug, the unicorn takes her rival's forehoof and shakes it gently as she turns to Mekis. "Ah, yes - my name is Twilight Sparkle."

Trixie nodded and turned to Mekis "I am The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon..." her cloak horn glowed and her cloak fluttered as she said her name, but afterwards she looked to the side and muttered to herself a moment with her hoof on her chin "maybe tone that down a little..."

"Don't push yourself, then. Try to take it easy. We'll be back soon." said Oboyo as gave a nod towards Mekis and Trixie, pressing onwards towards the cafe.

"Well, it is nice to meet you both, Trixie and Twilight. Here, take this." Mekis held up a jar filled with a white cream toward Twilight. "This should help with your burns. Just apply it...well, everywhere."

Once the group arrived, they would find that the establishment had a 'Out of business!' sign attached to the door. "..Um.." Oboyo started to say until Jean opened the door from inside and exited the building, locking it behind him.
"Oi, monsier! You're just in zime! Vy selling zat vone cricket cake, I vas able to afford zhis sign zo place on moi door! You vere successful, non?" asked Jean. Oboyo scratched his head, "Er..yeah, but.." Jean cut him off, "Sil vos plait! Vell done! Come, come. I shall cook us a most gracious feast at ze Jinsaka Manor, for no reward is more luxurous zan a meal cooked by ze great Ekal Hoppa De Pe Tapeta!"

Cautiously, Twilight Sparkle makes her way back to the manor, and her room, intent on resting and applying the burn salve tomorrow.

With that, Jean whistled merrily as he headed towards the manor, leaving Oboyo in heaping facepalm. "Remind me to never eat at the manor again.."

Meanwhile..after Oboyo's group left the manor...

Lynette Bishop gets up, looking about for a bit before heading to the rear courtyard, wanting to familiarize herself with her new home. She peers out timidly, adjusting her rifle so as to not make much noise as she sneaks into the courtyard.

Lynette is greeted by the sight of some sort of massive war machine standing near the flower garden. It's highly threatening apperance is rather offset by the floppy straw hat it is wearing as well as the bright red watering can delicately gripped in it's pincer.

The weather was neither hot nor cold, as it was one of those random weather phenominons that affected the cleft at times. The sun was beginning to set, and Launchpad could be seen turning up the PDF's helicopter, the Gitmidur. Sitting next to the fountain was Lym, keeping to herself and reading a book. Lucass could be seen standing next to the manor's entrance, looking slightly nervous.

Lynette Bishop blinks in surprise as she sees the machine, stepping out into the courtyard completely. The machine is decidedly not Neuroi, but it sets off that same feeling that those aliens did, being that he is artificial and very much so not humanoid. She approaches, curiosity getting the better of her especially once she sees that it is tending a garden. "Well, I'm certainly confused. A war machine gardening?"

The M85 jumps slightly at the sound of the new voice. It looks down at the new girl standing next to it and chirrups confusedly before seeming to smile happily. It makes a quick successon of chirps, clicks and other assorted electronic noises before falling silent. It motions to Lynette and begins walking to the shed nearby.

Lynette Bishop blinks, hesitantly following the machine. "You want me to help with your garden? I'll try my best though i'm not too confident in my skills." She blushes a bit, embarrassed, then freezes as she realizes she's let her guard down and mentally berates herself.

The M85 hums to itself as it gets out several bags of high quality sand, a large rake and a shovel. It pauses and looks over at Lynette for a moment before reaching in and getting out a pair of work gloves for her. The mechon hands her the rake, gloves and shovel before picking up the sandbags and walking over to a back section of the lawn.

As the M85 opened the shed, a short blue servbot came tumbling out. "Waaaah! That was scary!" cried Servbot #1337 as he weeped loudly, recovering from the intense trauma of being 'locked' into a shed for maker knows how long.

Lynette Bishop takes the rake, looking at the sand and remembering Squadron Leader Mio Sakamoto and Sergeant Yoshika Miyafuji talking about rock gardens. It sounded bizarre, but she could understand the meditative nature of such gardens. She follows the robot, tail erect.

The M85 looks curiously at the little robot as it wails while trying to get up. [ARE YOU OK?] It pokes the robot with the barrel of it's gun before looking over at Lynette and shrugging.

Servbot #1337 wiped its eyes in a futile manner, as if attempting to clear out nonexistant tears. "Y..*sniff* yeah. Thanks for saving me! I'm Servbot #1337! What's your name?"

Lynette Bishop lets out a small squeak as the larger robot uses its gun to prod the smaller robot, though shesoon relaxes as she realizes he means no harm. She's damn jumpy today and frustrated for being so. "H-hello. I'm Flight Sergeant Lynette Bishop, at y-your service."

[Mechon desigantion number M85-781, BUT MOST PEOPLE CALL ME THE M85 FOR SHORT.] The M85 shrugs as it picks up the sandbags again and begins heading over to the back corner once again.

The servbot smiled as he nodded towards the M85 and Lynette. "Nice to meet you, M85 and Lynette! I'm Servbot #1337!" said the Servbot, introducing itself again. It would appear that it was missing a few bolts in the head.

Lynette Bishop nods. "M85 is the big scary death machine and Servbot #1337 is the small one. Okay." She follows the larger one to the corner, attempting to put on the gloves as she walks, asdifficult task given that she's carry a rake and an unloaded rifle.

The M85 drops the sandbags with a heavy thump and considered the square it had marked off in the ground. Suddenly, moving with a speed and grace that is belied by it's slightly ungainly apperance, the M85 locks its pincer and revs up the buzz saw. It lunges at the ground and begins to dig and till the soil with the blade.

#1337 cocked its head to the side as it followed after Lynette and the M85. "What are you two doing? That looks like fun! Can I help?"

Lynette Bishop freezes, tail upright and bristling as she puts up a magic shield, a fancy magic circle with runes. It's not quite needed, since the saw isn't headed towards her at all, but it does protect her from the errant clumps of dirt, so she tries to save face by keeping the shield up, but in not quite so defensive a position. She's not one to trust bots, having had two of them turn on her and nearly kill her friends.

The M85 pulled it's buzz saw out of the ground, spinning it in sudden bursts to dislodge the remaining dirt. [SURE, I DON'T SEE WHY NOT. JUST TEAR OPEN ONE OF THOSE SANDBAGS AND START DUMPING IT IN HERE. I WILL MAKE SURE IT IS EVEN. COULD YOU HELP HIM LYN...] The M85 trails off as it sees the forcefield that Lynette is putting up and the look of fright that crosses her face when it turns suddenly. [OH, DO YOU REALLY THINK THA BADLY OF ME?] The M85 slumps slightly, hurt.

The servbot says 'Okay!!' as it moves over to a sandbag and attempts to pick it up, but fails to do so. As it struggled, it stopped to adore Lynette's magical shield. "Oooo, shiny! What is that, Ms. Lynette? It looks REALLY cool!" asked the Servbot, then giving the M85 a confused look.

Lynette Bishop eardroops, tail lowering itself as well while she disengages the shield. "Sorry... I'm not good around large warlike robots. Spent two years fighting these machines from outer space, and each time we made a non-sentient machine to fight them, it turned on my friends and I. ALso, M85 kinda reminds me of a Neuroi, even if he's ground based, unlike the Neuroi." She blushes, embarrassed and frustrated.

The servbot smiled widely and leapt in joy. "A hug? Yaaaay!" it shouted as it gave the M85 a little hug, then ran over towards Lynette to give her one as well.

Lynette Bishop meeps as she is offered a hug by the servebot. She accepts it, then, in a moment of clarity understands at least one of the beeping phrases, given the gesture, and picks up the band of sand with ease. She's stronger than her body suggests, and it's probably her magic nature. "Where do you want it, M85?"

The M85 chuckles at the sight of a flustered Lynette being hugged by the servbot. [HERE, JUST DUMP IT IN THE PIT. AFTER THAT IS SPREAD AROUND WE WILL BE HEADING TO THE LOCAL QUARRY TO GRAB SOME OF THE ROCKS AND BRING THEM HERE. I HOPE YOU HAVE NOTHING AGAINST OPEN-AIR FLIGHT.] The large mechon grabs the rake and begins to spread the sand that is already in the hole around until it is level.

"Ohh, I like rocks!" said the Servbot, completely missing the M85's point. "What's a quarry?"

Lynette Bishop opens the bag and dumps it out for the mechon, trying to kep from mesing up any established lines until the pile on her side is uneven. She empties the bag and tosses it aside. "Quarry, hunh? How far is f-from here, M85?" She's still a little nervous, though she's quite embarrassed for hurting the mechon's feelings, something even she, with her limited exposure, can sense.

[IT'S WHERE YOU GO AND GET ROCKS FROM, 1337] The M85 dragged the rake across the sand a few more times. [OH, NOT TOO FAR. JUST OVER ON THE MAINLAND, A QUICK FLIGHT WITH MY JETPACK. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I WILL NEED A BIT OF HELP BOLTING IT ON. DO YOU MIND?] The M85 begins to head over to the launchpad and the strange contraption that was lying next to it.

"Yay! We're going to fly to get some rocks!" proclaimed the Servbot as it ran towards the launchpad with its arms waving in the air. "Let's go, Ms. Lynette! This is going to be -fun-!"

Lynette Bishop nods, slinging her flight unit out. "I'll fly on my own. Can something as large as you even fly under your own power? I mean, the Neuroi kinda defied physics, so I'm kinda curious."

The M85 backed up to the device, triggering several locking pins to mesh with the holes on it's back. They still need to be tightened, however. The M85 looks expectantly at Lynette. [CAN YOU GET THOSE BOLTS? THE BOOSTER CAN'T STAY ON RIGHT WITHOUT THEM TIGHTENED ALL THE WAY.]

"Um..okay!" said the Servbot, staring hopelessly at the M85's back. "UUuuumm..Ms. Lynette? Can you screw those bolts in for Mr. 85?"

A window opens up from the second floor and a man looks out of it, down at those in the rear courtyard. He quickly leaps out of the window and slams down onto the ground, the earth sundering underneath him. Hastur straightens up in a martial art stance. "Who are you?"
Hastur relaxes, showing a small smile. "I am Hastur Xel'lotath. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I apologize for startling you, but I did not know the lot of you, and was afraid you might be doing something.... shady." He gives a small bow.

Lynette Bishop slips into her flight unit, her legs disappearing into the large airplane-like pieces as another magic circle appears. This one doesn't project a forcefield, erely glows as the unit activates, the engines humming noisily for a bit. "Okay, M85." She begins tightening the bolts before she is surprised by the new person and hides behind the Mechon, startled.

[UHHH, I AM THE M85, THIS IS 1337 AND BEHIND ME IS LYNETTE. NOW, WHO ARE YOU?] The large mechon stared at Hastur in confusion as it stood up and shook itsef down, feeling the booster settle into the proper position. [WE ARE ABOUT TO TAKE A TRIP TO THE MAINLAND, IF YOU MUST KNOW.]

Rather than startled, the Servbot seemed to just beam with joy. "Yaay! A new friend! Nice to meet you, Mr. Hastur! I'm Servbot #1337, this is Ms. Lynette and this Mr. 85! And I'm Servbot #1337! It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hastur!" said the Servbot, showing off its clear lack of bolts in its head. "We're about to go find some rocks! Want to come along?"

Hastur nods. "Certainly. It's nice to meet you as well, #1337."

Lynette Bishop slips out from behind M85, looking over the newcomer. "Flight Sergeant Lynette Bishop at your service, though we weren't doing anything shady. At least the only shady thing I can think of is M85 using a rotary saw as a digging implement."

[WELL, YOU WILL HAVE TO BE CARRIED BY ME, UNLESS YOU CAN FIT TWO PEOPLE IN THAT THING, LYNETTE.] The M85 reaches behind it and pulls a switch on the side of the booster. The device begins to whine and rotate as the thruster builds up power for takeoff. The M85 picks up the servbot and attaches it to the magnetic plate on it's head.

"Um..Mr. 85 said that you will have be carried, unless you can fit in Lynette's thing." said the Servbot, dutifully translating while being completely oblivious to innuendo. As it's picked up, it feels the magnetic force pulling it down. "Wheee! This is gonna be fun!"

The air holding a fewer stray items, Mekis jumped toward the ghost hoping to make a grip with the arrow. Following his master, Esteban became airborne and flew toward the ghastly entity, webbed and taloned feet extended forward.

Hastur tilts his head to the side. "I am guessing we will be needing to go over water. If so, I can take care of myself in that aspect. Just tell me where we're going... and try to keep up."

(Becquerl) [WE ARE HEADING TO SOME CANYONE NORTH OF TRUCE TO PICK UP SOME STONE FOR THE ROCK GARDEN.] The mechon motions to the sand pit in the back. [JUST MEET US THERE, AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE SPOT.] The M85 tromps out to the center of the launchpad, nodding at Launchpad before the booster gives a throaty roar as the M85 lifts off on a colum of greenish energy.

Hastur smiles and watches the M85 leave. He then ponders to himself. "Rocks.... probably going to the Canyon near Truce. I can beat him there." He then closes his eyes and puts his hands together. His eyes go wide open, now pitch black, and he disappears. He is running with wuch speed that sound can't keep up with him, going through trees, having them shatter when he is already miles away.

The Servbot seems to be enjoying itself, as subtly hinted in the ear piercing 'WHEEEEEEEE!' sound it was making.

After a few minutes of flight, the M85 touches down in the canyons. [IS EVERYONE HERE?] It looks around.

Hastur smiles at the M85 over his cup of tea. "What took you so long? I was able to get to Wutai for a cup of tea and back here before you decided to show up." He chuckles and sips his tea.

Lynette Bishop beginsheading in that direction though she shakes her head again at the speeding guy. "Showoff. Only shirly could probably match that." She alights just before M85 out of politeness. "I'm here."

"Yay! Rocks!" shouted the Servbot, attempting to remove itself from the M85's magnet but not getting very far in doing so.

[RIGHT, NOW THAT WE ARE ALL HERE, FOLLOW ME.] The M85 leads them through a few canyons until they reach one that has a large, damaged spaceship-looking vessel in it. The mechon heads around the smashed-in bow of the ship before stopping before some artfully cut rocks that have been stacked against the wall. [JUST GRAB ONE AND TAKE IT BACK TO THE MANSION. WITH EVERYONE HERE, WE CAN MAKE JUST ONE TRIP.]

Lynette Bishop looks for a rock about the size of her torso, picking it up with ease, smiling at M85. "I'm ready when you are."

Hastur finds the largest rock he can and casually lifts it onto his shoulder. "Ready to go."

The Servbot picks up what could possibly be the tiniest rock around, barely the side of a fingernail. "Ohh, this one looks good!" The servbot is clearly glad to be able to assist in the collecting.

[RIGHT, WELL. LET US BE OFF.] The mechon takes off once more, bound for the launchpad at Oboyo's mansion.

Hastur closes his eyes again, and opens them to reveal them to be pitch black once again. He speeds to the mansion with the utmost haste, arriving within only a few minutes and setting his rock down. He then sits on it and begins to eat a bowl of fried rice.

Lynette Bishop follows, hoping her rock would be a decent one to fit in the garden, since she's never tried this style of gardening before.

The M85 touches down on the launchpad and carries it's stone over to the pit. [OK, I WILL HOLD THIS WHILE YOU ALL PILE SAND AROUND THE BASE.] The mechon motions to the pile of sandbags off to the side.

Lynette Bishop sets her rock aside before heading over to the sandbags, picking one up. "Where do you want it, M85?"

Hastur looks over to the sandbags and smirks. He grabs two bags of sand and hioists them up onto his shoulders.

The Servbot puts its tiny rock in the middle of the base, eager to return to get another one but all too aware that that was their only trip. "Mr. 85 says to pile it around the base!"

Lynette Bishop nods, quickly tearing open her bag and pouring it around the rock, filling in where necessary.

Hastur opens both bags of sand and begins to pile the sand around the base.

The M85 lets go of the rock and backs up a few steps before nodding. [THIS ONE IS GOOD, LETS GO AND DO THE THE OTHERS.] The mechon picked up the next stone and held it upright.

The Servbot seemed to be having the time of its creation, watching them spread the sand around. "Mr. 85 said that we should do the others!"

Lynette Bishop soon runs out of her bag, allowing Hastur to finish that one up before grabbing another bag.

Hastur continues on to the next rock, pouring sand out of both bags. When they empty, he quickly picks up two more.

After a short while of this, the rocks are all set in place. The M85 gets out more rakes and passes them out to everyone before beginning to rake in the fancy swirls that rock gardens are known for.

Lynette Bishop rakes quickly, wanting to admire her handiwork before sleep overcomes her.

Hastur quickly begins to rake, a smile on his face.

The M85 seemed pleased at the result of the garden. It beeped a few times, giving an approving nod towards Lynette and Hastur. The Servbot smiles and speaks up, "Yay, it's finished! Mr. 85 says it looks wonderful, and he thanks us for helping!" As it said so, the servbot nodded proudly, assured that its contributions were a key factor to the success.

Hastur smiles. "I was glad to help out, and to meet the lot of you."