Dark clouds cover the sky, bringing threat of drenching for whoever is not inside at this moment. Which includes Gforte, who for the past 10 minutes has been walking up to hills and examining them before mumbling and walking away. This hill however, appears to be different. With a few moments of tinkering, Gforte laughs harshly as a small section of stone slides up to reveal a keypad.

Jillian stares intently up at the sky, almost as if daring it to actually start raining. Or maybe she was actually looking forward to it? Who knows. Her attention, at any rate, is not completely on where she's going or what Gforte is doing. This attitude seems to be commonplace whenever she's following along.

Upon leaving, Jillian has since discarded her cloak, leaving her figure to the elements (clothed, mind you) without the need for concealment. She adjusts her cutout upon the bust her turtleneck idly, eyes still raised as she stops somewhere nearby.

Gforte cracks his fingers, and begins pushing buttons on sequence. The buzzing red light and frown on Gforte's face tells anyone watching that something went wrong. So do the next three buzzing noises. Eventually, Gforte stands up and looks around, whistling idly while he pulls out the small gun-esque object he had been tinkering with recently. Surprsingly, it turns out to be a gun, which he uses to shoot the keypad. Sparks and fizzing aside, a green light shows up on the pad, and a different section of stone begins sliding away, this time big enough for a human to fit into. "Come on then, we're almost there." Gforte flashes a wide grin at you before entering the darkness.

Jillian stops to watch Gforte shoot the control pad for a moment, blinking once. She looks up again at the sky, then toward the cave that Gforte steps into... and allows herself a moment to stretch before following him inside. "Secrets everywhere, I see. Is this also where you machination went, as well?"

The inside of the cave has had no attempts to light it, so Gforte produces a flashlight and turns it on before nodding. "Yeah. Lobstrocity will be in the bay. Can't remember if this is one of the bases that ended up with a greeter." He flicks the light around until it illuminates a very jury-rigged looking computer set into the wall. "Here we go, looks like that's a no. Good for us, I don't think I can get into those bases anymore." He approaches the machine and boots it up before puching seemingly nonsensicle phrases and keystrokes into the keyboard. What results from this is something matching Gforte's voice, albiet a bit younger, crackling to life from hidden speakers. "Oi. Listen up. I don't know if you're just some stupid son of a bitch who managed to get in here lucky, or if you're me. So we're going to play a little game. Sound like fun?" Gforte himself facepalms. "Figures. Had a Q and A installed here. Always with the paranoid, me."

Jillian only considers for a moment, being able to see perfectly well in the absence of light. The flashlight doesn't bother her, though. "Voice recognition, regarding the others?" She raises a questioning eyebrow as 'Gforte' begins talking to himself on the panel, and covers a smirk with one hand. "It is rather amusing that you even manage to annoy yourself. Can't have it both ways, I suppose."

Gforte rolls his eyes. "Yuk it up. Allright shit-for-brains me of the past, what did I program you to ask?" "Well, since you're so happy to play, here's question number one. Say you're walking down a hill and you happen across a choice selection of scrap. You want it, but it'll be hell t-" "Build a robot, have it do it for me. The next one should be 'Because I can', followed with 'What about burning in hell and dying don't you get.'" "...Fine. Fucker."

Gforte nods to himself as one last section of stone slides open and Gforte steps into what appears to be a naturally formed cave. That was later found by someone who had too much metal and not enough sense. Batman meets Ork in a wonderful conclusion that has Gforte slam his face into both palms. "The fuck is wrong with me? I could have finished the lobstrocity a year early with all this!"

Jillian follows Gforte further in, peering curiously around at all the scrap lying around. She wasn't much for mechanical technology, so it didn't really do too much for her. "Goodness. Do you keep all this simply for a massive 'What If' scenario to come into play?" The term 'greasemonkey' came to mind, but she didn't want to get him going after the exchange he just had with, uh, himself.

You say 'Or do you just forget things like this, sometimes? I get the feeling this isn't the only one of these you have.'

Gforte sighs, and kneads the bridge of his nose. "It's not the only one I have. In the early days when I was running I had a habit of getting part of the way through a plan and then nipping off to make a new secret base. This was before the aformentioned 'bad stuff'." He beckons to Jillian before heading off to the right, picking his way through a graveyard of home electronics.

Jillian skirts the piles of junk easily, though with notion to watch her step as she does. "I recalled that you had something of a history revolving around it, yes." She follows anyway, almost leisurely. A dark cave full of crap? No big deal.

Gforte steps up to what can only be described as a mechanical surgery room. In the middle of it all is the large and familiar bulk of the Lobstrocity, in all it's poorly painted splendor. Dirt and mud now also stick to it, as it appears to have rolled through several wet areas, and the sound of squeaking comes from the hole in the mecha's back. Gforte lets out another weary sigh. "Goddamnit this is going to take a while. Allright, fine. Jill, if you want to sleep, there should be some kind of bedroom-ish are free to use in there. This. This is going to take me a little while." Gforte faces the workload before him with a grim look on his face.

Jillian looks a little confused for a moment, allowing for a tilt of her head to indicate as such. She looks off towards one of these areas mentioned, though, and begins to wander off. "Well, if you insist, maybe I'll have a look around. Probably best for your work if you don't have someone peering over your shoulders the whole time, anyway." She places her arms behind her head, idly meandering off.