It's another quiet night in Truce, and the sounds of crickets chirping is all that pierces the tranquility of the night. It's enough to lull Twilight Sparkle into relaxing, despite her concerns about her dark clone.
Nagol awakens and looks around at his surroundings trying to remember why he was at the Fountain
Nagol smiles and waves at Twilight Sparkle
Unbeknownst to either the unicorbrarian or Nagol, the Anti-Twilight is concealed between two of the buildings, with a headless corpse lying behind it. It doesn't move, however, until Nagol stirs, fading into the shadows and stealthily crossing the ground for an ambush.
Nagol walks over to Twilight and says, "How are you doing this evening Twilight?"
At Nagol's question, Twilight Sparkle is groggily getting to her feet, raising an eyebrow slightly before catching sight of her dark doppleganger rising out of the ground. "Wh-look OUT! Behind you!"
Nagol quickly turns around and grabs the Star Rod from his Backpack. He looks over into the shadows and can slightly make out figure similar to Twilight
Nagol slowly walks to the alley inbetween the two buildings and turns on a flashlight from his backpack.
Nagol beacons Twilight to come over to him
Twilight Sparkle closes her eyes, simultaneously calling her Element into existence and preparing two spells at once, even as the dark clone of her goes after Nagol. "Too dangerous... Need to protect everyone here..."
Nagol jumps away from the Clone and sends the Fire and Ice Stars at the Clone
Twilight Sparkle opens her eyes once a protective barrier's descended over the town square to keep everyone inside, interlaced with the strongest anti-teleportation spell she knows. Meanwhile, the Anti-Twilight is nimbly dodging the strikes from the Star Rod, before countering with an explosive burst of magic from its horn, eyes dancing in decidedly morbid amusement.
Mogwai runs over to the dark clone "Hey, mind explaining to me why Nagol's fighting you?"
Nagol says to the Clone, "You might have the Star Rod Dark Piece! I need that to repair the Star Rod!" Nagol tries to get closer to the Clone to hit more acuratly
Twilight Sparkle sighs, levitating an unused slab of stone over to the dark clone before releasing and letting the massive weight fall straight onto its head.
Mogwai jumps back to avoid the rock before trying to pry it off the dark clone "Hey, you alright?"
Nagol runs over to join Mogwai
"Mogwai, what are you DOING?! Get away from it before it tries to kill you!" Twilight Sparkle sprints over to the dark clone of her, intent on spearing it head-on with her horn.
Mogwai looks down at the clone, then up at Twilight, and backs up out of the way
Nagol jumps backwards and charges the Fire and Ice Stars
Despite Twilight's best efforts, the dark clone backs off, casting a vision-impairment spell to give itself an advantage before swinging black ribbons of magic wildly at its attackers.
Nagol sucks one of the black ribbons up and transforms into a Mirror Kirby!
Mogwai backflips out of the way once the blinding spell goes off, figuring staying where she is would be a bad idea.
With a startled yelp, Twilight Sparkle is caught directly in both the blindness spell and the path of the second black-magic ribbon, stumbling around up until she's wrapped up fully in the dark fabric. This is enough to prompt a vicious sneer from the Anti-Twilight, as it turns to attack Mogwai for her earlier troubles.
Mogwai swings her whip at Anti-Twilight, attempting to entangle her and bring her down
Nagol sends mirror shards at Anti-Twilight using the mirror ability's wand
In spite of Twilight Sparkle's earlier efforts to keep her dark half from fleeing, the Anti-Twilight is casting a barrier-nullification spell and sending sharpened blades of dark energy at both Mogwai and Nagol before it melts into the shadows once more and escapes into the night.
Mogwai takes a hit from the blade, looking around for where the shadow fled to
Nagol's Mirror Ability soon fades and as the Anti-you flees Nagol says to it, "You can't run forever! We will find you!"
Now that the dark clone has fled, Twilight Sparkle's blindness wears off, allowing her to rise and look around at the town square, though she's frowning as she discovers the disappearance of her dark half. "This is NOT good... Considering it's as intelligent as I am, and has every spell I know to rely on... This is going to go on for Celestia knows HOW long!"
Nagol walks over to Twilight and says, "Hmm...Your Darker Clone may have a shard of the Star Rod on it, so I will have two reasons to pursue It with you."
Mogwai says 'So, what IS that anyway?'
You say 'I've actually got no idea... Closest guess is that it's me, only clearly insane, and eager to see blood spill. Or that it-SHE-is from a completely flipped Equestria, where the Elements of Harmony are corrupt.'
Nagol says 'So the Elements of Chaos right?'
Mogwai says 'Sounds legit'
Nagol thinks deeply and says, "There could be more Eviler Clone of people from your world Twilight. Maybe even some from ours!"
You say 'If that's the case, then... Their Discord, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis are fighting for good? I don't want to believe it, but there's no other possible explanation that even remotely comes close!'
Almost exactly as Nagol finishes his sentance, a Ninja Star flies at him barely misses.
Mogwai eyes the ninja star "Umm... what was that?"
Nagol studies the Ninja Star and says, "I think there may be a Evil Clone of me too."
Twilight Sparkle raises an eyebrow, simultaneously pulling the throwing star free of the wall and raising another defensive barrier.
Mogwai rolls her eyes "At least there's not an evil clone of me. That'll be the day."
Nagol looks at the Star Rod and says, "We better find the other pieces before they do."
Mogwai shakes her head "Well, I'll keep a lookout, but clones give me a headache
You say 'Yeah...'
Nagol calls his Warp Star and says, "I'll be right back." He flies towards Barrel Volcano
Nagol returns moments later with a Dark Blue Star Rod Piece. Nagol says, "Salamando gave this to me. He also said that a Darker Version tried to take it from him!"
Twilight Sparkle sighs, shaking her head as she slumps into a sitting position. "...what a dilemma."
Nagol nods in agreement with you.
Nagol waves goodbye to Twilight and flies away on his Warp Star.