Kyuubey says 'Atonement? These values have no bearing on me. But
that child is a dangerous possession, I will admit. You and your
robotic friend will need to use your heads and not your hands, next
time. Witches are not to be taken lightly.'

Kyuubey says 'They aren't as susceptible to brute force that often
fell Yoma. You need to outsmart them, find their weakness. Exploit
it, if you must.'

Rarity nods, sighing again as a few tears roll down her face. "It'd be
so much easier if Twilight was the one doing this... But she isn't,
and I can't rightfully force my responsibilities on her. As a
Wishborn, and the Bearer of Generosity..."

Echo enters the the center of town witch a lighthearted skip and a
smile on her face, humming a light tune. Her long light pink hair
bouncing behind her. She was in a pretty chipper mood today, having
had the extra money to afford her favorite candies which she held
clutched in a tiny decorative red and white stripped bag.

Kyuubey says 'You seem to rely too heavily on the part of yourself
that is not under contract. If you do not embrace what
responsibilities you have assumed, you WILL perish. I guarantee it.
There is a reason that only those who have taken my contract are even
able to see them, much less engage them. You're not in understanding
of what it is you've taken up, I fear. Perhaps this was a waste of
both our respective times, after all.'

Rarity says '...sad, but perhaps it is. I do understand, at least,
that the Elements of Harmony have no bearing on this duty I bear. But
is it enough to understand that?'

Kyuubey seems somewhat exasperated, but it is hard to tell, given his
consistently-neutral cat-face. "Dear, you need to embrace what I have
given you. That is all I can say. If you disregard it in your coming
days, nobody will be able to help you. Witches, Yoma, they were all
like you, once. They fell to the corruption, and this is what remains
of them. Unless you want to end up on the receiving end of your
friends' blades, I suggest you start using your head. And soon."

Echo's smile widens as she takes notice of the familiar face at the
fountain, quickly popping one of the candies into her mouth and
chewing it before finally speaking. "Kyuubey! I haven't seen you
around for a while Mr. Kitty! I have something for you!"

Echo closes her bag of candy and withdraws a grief seed from the
pocket of her dress, showing it to the cat.

Kyuubey turns at the sound of his name being called, waving his tail
slightly. "Ah, hello there. Been busy, have you?" The red circle on
his back glows subtly, as if in expectation.

Echo tosses the grief seed towards Kyuubey, "Just a little. I was
getting worried it might hatch again. I haven't seen you in a while."
Rarity nods again, looking down and opening her eyes as she thinks to
herself. 'Enough of this whining. I have a responsibility, and using
the Element of Generosity is the poorest excuse imaginable. I made a
wish for greater strength to protect those around me, and no magical
artifact can give me that strength.'

Kyuubey stands up, turning partway around as the red circle's glow
brightens, forming a glittering white circle in the white portion of
his fur within said red ring; just in time, as the seed flies toward
him and literally disappears -into- his back, like a tiny portal..

Echo claps at Kyuubey in approval, as if the cat just preformed some
amazing trick. The bag in her hand rattles sofly as its contents are
bounced around.

Kyuubey looks at his own backside for a moment, as the glow subsides.
He goes ahead and sits back down, apparently ignoring Rarity's
self-pitiousness. "An excellent job, Echo. And yes, it has been
awhile. I tend to travel a lot, from time to time. Always people to
see, things to do. People to help."

Echo gives the cat a small curtsey as it praises her, "Well, don't
keep me waiting too long Mr. Kyuukitty. These things are hard enough
to fight on my own. I don't think I want to have to fight some of them
again. That last one was a mean one!" She gives a small giggle.

Rarity says 'Farewell, then, Kyuubey. The situation will improve.'

Kyuubey looks up at Rarity, his expression indiscernible. He doesn't
look convinced, though, that much is obvious.

Echo lift an eyebrow at the pony now. Now that the grief seed was off
her hands she seems curious about her. "Situation?"

Kyuubey says 'As much as you could use help from time to time, so too
could others use yours, dear.'

Kyuubey turns around once more, addressing Echo. "And you're not the
kind to let others merely dwindle in their own miseries, would

Echo stares down at Kyuubey, blinking. "Well... No, of course not!"

Rarity silently makes her way over to a cart loaded with dresses,
cloaking once she's got it hooked up to her harness before heading

Kyuubey says 'Certain people don't seem to understand the cunning
behind Witches. What they are capable of, and how much more, in my
personal opinion, dangerous they are than Yoma. I'm sure at least
someone saw this result, the other day.'

Kyuubey isn't specifically addressing who this 'someone' is, but it
seems blatantly obviously.

"But, one can only do so much." Kyuubey looks up at Echo, red eyes
sparkling. "As long as you are staying alive, that's plenty good
enough, for what you do. Making a difference is what you should
strive for, always."

The words Kyuubey is saying seem to take a while to sink in. She looks
between Rarity and Kyuubey, then back to Rarity again, "OH!" She
exclaimed once it hit her, "Maybe I can help! I've fought lots of
witches!" She does an about-face and salutes to Rarity, her voice
almost sing-songy "Super Awesome Sparkly Magical Girl Echo at your

Once she's far enough out of visual range, Rarity's terminating the
cloaking spell covering her, and fading back into existence a few
blocks to the west, leaning back-first against her cart and sighing.
"How difficult... This is going to be a tough battle, no doubt."

Echo tilts her head and frowns, then looks back towards Kyuubey.
"Think I should stick around and keep an eye on things?"

Kyuubey says 'Only if it is what you desire, dear. Nobody can decide
what you do with your time except yourself. Though I will admit, I do
not see this situation ending well, if left to their devices. Some
people are simply quicker learners than others.'

Echo presses her lips together tightly, then sits down on one of the
benches, popping open her bag of candy and pulling out a piece, "I am
still in the dark as to what the situation is exactly, Kyuukyuu. What

Kyuubey looks off in the direction Rarity left, one ear flicking.
"Nothing stranger than usual, truly. But the boy this witch decided
to possess was a bad choice for those who would stand against it. To
my understanding, he was poised to slaughter a whole mess of people,
before someone abducted him. She played on his weakness, which is
ironically the same weakness that led her to the corruption."

Kyuubey looks up at Echo. "I'm not sure where she is, now. Rarity
and another engaged her recently, but she fled. As for the boy who
received the kiss, I'm not sure of his whereabouts, either. At the
very least, I know he is no longer part of this world."

"ermm." Echo said popping the piece of candy into her mouth, her lips
puckering slightly as she sucked on it, "Sounds messy. I guess the
only thing we can do is hunt the witch down and attack it again."

"It's too late to change what's already happened." There's a soft blue
flare of magic from her horn, as Rarity climbs up onto an empty edge
of her cart and looks up. "I need to stop complaining about my new
task, and forge ahead with courage instead of fear against these
Witches and Yoma."

Kyuubey nods. "That would be ideal. And thought I don't need to
remind you, recall that it isn't often the numbers that make the
difference against a Witch. You need to be able to assess the
situation critically. Use your head, maybe even your heart, if that
prospect suits you, instead of your weapons."

"If you don't keep your head about you in these situations you can get
killed easily." Echo said, popping a few more pieces into her mouth
and swinging her legs back and forth in a childlike manner.

"I figure you understood. Maybe you could lend that knowledge to a
few of the others, around here. But only if it suits you to do so."
Kyuubey stretches idly, shaking himself off afterward. "In the
meantime, I have more tasks to perform. Thank you for all your hard
work, Echo dear. Remain safe in the coming days."

Eventually, after enough time resting atop her dress-cart, Rarity's
pulling it back east, conjuring a rain-shield to protect everyone
present from the downpour.
Echo reached into her bag, but pauses before pulling out another
piece, looking up at the sky, remembering perhaps a few acquaintances
she had lost. "I'll help them if I can... If they want my help that
is. "

Kyuubey looks back at Echo for a moment. "Your kindness goes a long
way. Farewell for now, then." With that, the cat-creature bounds off
toward the south, on toward the next of whatever his concept of
'tasks' might entail.

Echo perks up again suddenly, "Try not to stray too far though
Kyuubottom! One way or another this one will be taken down! I am sure
of this! There will be another seed for you soon!

Echo waves enthusiastically as the cat leaves.