Free City, Truce - Fountain
A tiered fountain marks the center of Truce, water gushing from its
summit and trickling into a deep, wide basin, wrapped by a ring of benches.
Roads flow like rivers away from the fountain, and houses sprout like weeds
all around them. Not far to the east, the ocean roars in the harbor.

A strange wind rustles through the streets of Truce this evening, bearing an almost unnatural feel to it. Everything seems relatively peaceful as guards end their shifts and trade hands for the evening hours, and a few children chase their rogue toys through the streets with mothers hot on their heels. But this wind... it chills somehow, a sharp temperature lower than the warm weather around it.

Nevertheless, things are calm as evening sets in. At the fountain square, a woman stands facing the south, bordering the edge of that same avenue; she is dressed solely in a black robe with the hood down, and her brilliant blue hair flows openly in the wind. Steely eyes scan the horizon, but her lips are pursed, wordless.

A strange effect, similar to the heat rising off of a hot road in the summer, drifts into the square. At the touch of the wind, the shimmer distorts before dissappearing, leaving Helios hovering in it's place.

Helios sighs and mutters. "Blasted wind. Ruining our experiments." He looks around for a moment, noticing the newcomer across the square. "You're a new face around these parts. What brings you to this corner of Cleft?"

The blue-haired woman doesn't say anything in response to Helios. Not even so much as an over-the-shoulder glance. Her stances is a rather intimidating one, though she is not on the "tall" end of the scale. Her hair and robe flutter erratically in the wind, and the shadow she casts in response to the setting sun seems darker than most.

Mogwai walks in from the south, packed for a long trip. She fishes a silver piece out of her pack and tosses it into the fountain for good luck

Helios says 'We have found that it is generally considered ploite to respond to questions, you know.'

Bahamut streches back onto the bench glancing around the room and mutters "nothing of interest yet..."

Helios seems to frown at the rude behavior of the tall woman.

Walking in from the north, Sylana walks slowly, her eyes affixed to the ground and muttering something under her breath. She seems to take no notice of the wind, but when she quickly glances up, she freezes and looks at the blue-tressed woman with some confusion. Eventually, the reploid shrugs and moves over to a nearby bench.

The woman responds to Helios quickly, as if anticipating that question in particular. "Manners are for those who have a need to pretend on the niceties of existence. I am not one of those." Her voice is lighter than her demeanor, but her tone is cold.

Helios says 'Why do you think that?'

Berrypunch blinks and looks at the reploid, then at the cold woman... then the large crowd and the setting sun

The woman, still not looking behind her and only at the horizon opposite the setting sun, explains further. "Not everyone has a need to pretend. If there's something that needs to be said, then say it. Don't pretend for the sake of pleasantries. All it does is waste time."

A gradual screaming can be heard from above as a strange robot falls straight into the foutain! Without wasting a minute, the robot crawls out of the foutain and poses as if prepared for battle. "So, think you can defeat me by running up my minutes, MEGA MAN?! I'll have you know that -I- am..Phoneman..uh..where am I?"

Berrypunch frowns and facehoofs... even drunk she would never have has a hilucination like this

Meanwhile, off in one corner, Twilight Sparkle is snoring quietly, either surrounded or covered by books, with one open atop her horn.

Berrypunch looks at twilight and walks over to her.

Helios nods slowly. "We suppose thast makes sense..." Helios thinks for a moment. "Well, since you are at least talking, what brings you-" He breaks off and stares in shock at the crazy phone-like man in the fountain.

Mogwai smirks "I wonder if I get any good luck for throwing YOU into the fountain."

Bahamut sighs loudly. "listan scrap metal.. be alittle quiter if you please."

Sylana glances over at the fountain and the robot crawling out of it, then chuckles as she watches the newcomer.

Phoneman checks its map application and mopes. "No data available?! But Dr. Wily paid for the unlimited service plaaan!"

Mogwai shrugs and pushes Phoneman hard in the chest.

Helios sighs. "Crazed new arrivals. Anyway, what are you doing here, if you do not usually mingle with the unwashed masses?"

Phoneman stumbles backwards, 'W-w-w-whoa! Don't hang up the phone!' as it falls back into the fountain.

Mogwai giggles.

Helios considers shocking the fountain.

Bahamut says 'Be sure you dont get disconnected..'

The black-robed woman sighs through her nose, vocalizing her contempt. "Children everywhere. They come in all shapes and sizes." It isn't known who she's actually talking to, or if it was meant for no-one in particular.

Berrypunch smirks and whispers to Twilight "Hey Twilight, have you done any studies on reploids yet? They seem amusing"

Helios says 'We assume you mean the ones around the fountain?'

Berrypunch pokes Twilight in the ribs.

"I'm waiting for someone, specifically. Or, to be more precise, waiting on their next move." The woman speaks simply, without beating around the bush. She seems to decide not to mention the antics surrounding her any further. Like it would matter if she did, anyway.

Helios thinks for a moment. "What do you predict that they will do?"

Berrypunch swaps one of Twilights books for one from the Viorar Librarry on horse breeding. Then chuckles as she prepares to wake the unicorn

Phoneman's antenna slowly raises up from the foutain and curves itself towards Mogwai, giving her a 'thumbs down' sign.

Accompanied by a pair of armored soldiers, Cecily walks between then wearing a more intricately patterned armor showing she was of a higher status.

The woman is silent for a long time, merely letting the wind throw the hair about her face. Finally, she responds. "I don't know. I can't read minds."

Phoneman then lunges out the fountain and presses a 'heater' app on its touch screen, unlocking a few hatches on its sides. A couple blow dryers extend from the hatches and proceed to blow hot air on itself.

Mogwai chuckles politely.

Mogwai says 'I should have expected you were full of hot air.'

Phoneman says 'I say! I could have been short circuited! What's the big idea?! Treating me like one of Wily's other WASHED UP ROBOTS?!'

Berrypunch says 'Smashed Paperback to Bookfort, come in book fort... Hey Twilight! Don't you think Celestia would love a report on Robots!'

Helios nods. "That is a familiar and rather unpleasant feeling. Do you need any help? My long-range scans could provide more information."

Groggily, however, the dozing Twilight stirs with a yawn before blearily looking around and shaking the books off of her. "...I seriously needed that na-what now? Oh, hi, Berry Punch."

Mogwai says 'Oh you'll be fine, even his washed up robots can stand a little washing.'

"A distraction has presented itself, but I am as yet undecided on how to handle it. For now, I only watch from this end. Pushing too much brings on unnecessary risk of fear. I've played my part thus far, for now I only watch, unless I deem intervention as necessary." She seems adamant on her refusal to turn around, watching everything toward the southwest.

Helios hesitantly begins watching the southwest as well. "So, that's a no then?"

Berrypunch Sighs and just starts to make crude drawings of the Reploids, "I already got some artist renditions to go with any report you might make on robots."

Cecily turns towards her armed escorts and nods. "You may go enjoy yourselves. I can handle myself." She tells them. They almost look as if they are about to protest, but instead they nod and head south towards the bar.

"Yes, that is a 'no'. Meddling from those of no circumstances are the last thing needed, right now." Her tone bears a sharper edge on that statement, but it is difficult to really think of it as mean with the lightness of her young-sounding voice.

Phoneman shakes its fist angrily, but decides to let the matter go as it looks around again. "What is this place? I had Mega Man locked in mortal combat! A clash of metal! A battle of fates!..then he ran up my data plan and I blacked out."

Berrypunch hands twilight a picture that the reploids would say look nothing like them.

Mogwai bows before Phoneman.

Mogwai says 'Welcome... TO HELL!'

The robed woman says, 'The boy will emerge to fulfill his part when he is ready, I suspect. But this new arrival seems like it is merely acting the part of a delay. However, I am as yet unsure, and this is why I watch and wait.'

Mogwai cackles evilly, an errant strike of lightning thundering off in the distance.

Bahamut says 'Scrap metal, you're loud and annoying.. Your along way from that battle now and a new one will be awaiting you.'

Helios perks up at the mention of a boy. "A boy? Is he named Ambience?"

The woman does not say anything further, as the surrounding wind subsides to a gentle breeze.

"...huh?" Confusedly, Twilight Sparkle is raising an eyebrow, even as she straightens the haphazard pile of books she'd been using as a 'blanket' with a strong burst of magic. "I don't get it."

Phoneman flashes its screen a couple of times, as if blinking eyes that it doesn't have. "Hell? ROBOT HELL?! But I did everying I was told! Ohhhh, how did this happen?! I'm finished! Scrap! Baaaahaahaaaa!" It proceeds to put its hands on the top of its screen, as if trying to cry.

Helios sighs. He activates his electro-shock system and zaps the strange phone without turning around.

Sylana watches Mogwai and Phoneman with a slight hint of amusement, but at the mention of Ambience's name, she glances over at the robed woman, studying her silently.

Mogwai says '...I'm kidding. You're in the Cleft, it's kind of a... dimensional scrap heap, as it were. Things just randomly get thrown in here.'

Bahamut winces and growls as he puts a hand to his head and slowly gathers himself up onto his feet. "Now then..."

Berrypunch "Well I drew a picture of the strange metal people, watched them act a bit weird, And slipped the closest thing Viorar's library had to the porn back home into your bedding there.

The woman is an oddly foreboding presence, despite her height to capitalize on this factor. Her deep blue hair waves lightly in the breeze, facing toward the southwest. As the sun continues to set, the shadow she casts seems to grow unnaturally darker, almost coming to match the same color as her robe.

Mogwai perks her ears up at the mention of porn.

As Phoneman is shocked by Helios, it turns its attention towards the Mechon unit. "Hey, what's the big id--aha! You! You're a robot, like me! Which means!"

Phoneman starts to fashion a pose, "Which means!!"

Bahamut does some streches and a great pressure fills the room.

Phoneman proceeds to quickly push a few buttons on its touch screen before finishing its pose, "It's time...TO BATTLE! You're no Mega Man, but Dr. Wily's orders are to eliminate all other robots!"

The robed woman seems mindless of this instilled pressure, paying it no heed as she merely continues to stand here and focus elsewhere.

Phoneman throws up its fists in an unintimidating manner, "Have at you, vile piece of scrap!"

Berrypunch points at the Plantmonster-thingie and screams "It's the Return of the Son of the Monster in the Refrigerator of The Smooze!!"

Helios slowly turns around. "Is that a challenge?" He states, while paying half attention to mthe shadow phenomon.

Groaning in exasperation, Twilight Sparkle just shakes her head and readies one of her few offensive spells with intense concentration. "...not what I needed to know, or see. Just wonderful."

Mogwai quickly runs off to the inn, and comes back with a bucket of popcorn

Gravemind roved through the sewers just underneath the small town of Truce, the subtle splashes of murky water as a beast waded through.

Helios activates his mining laser. "Fine, you asked for it!" He blasts a read beam at the strange phone. A narrow miss, at it impacts on the wall right above Twilight's head, exploding in a cloud of dust.

Sylana watches the woman for a moment longer, before frowning and shrugging. She instead returns her attention to the rather vocal robot, her frown deepening from the pressure and the onsuing fight.

Bahamut launches a fire ball, missing Phoneman by inches, instead hitting the truce fountain, a large burst of steam fills the room, the glowing out line of the fountain remains.

Helios says 'Stupid callibrations.'

Cecily looks over at the break out in violence. "Hey! By the Knight order of Guardia, I order you to cease this combat!" She shouts as she draws her rapier.

Mogwai offers Berry Punch some popcorn

Mogwai says 'Enjoying the show?'

Phoneman presses the Google search app on its screen and aims its camera at Helios and takes a quick picture. "We'll see how tough you are after I analyze your weaknesses on wiki--oh plan ran out...curse you, Mega Man!"

"You'd only get hurt if you tried to stop them..." Sylana glances over at Cecily calmly. "I'd recommend you'd stay out of it."

The impact right above her horn simultaneously causes Twilight to flinch and lose focus on the attack-oriented spell she was preparing. "Yah-! Watch out! Were you trying to hit me?!"

The robed woman closes her eyes, giving here head naught more than a subtle shake at the antics taking place just a short distance behind her.

Berrypunch looked at the impact of the blast and then at the metal idiots, and then at Mogwai, "well my friend Twi nearly lost her head, and the one with the screen is making no sense to me, so not really"

Helios seems to smirk, even though he missed and probably traumatised poor Twilight. "That's not all we have!" He shoots lightning at the out-of-service phone, missing again and hitting the fountain. this causes a pretty effect of lightning crackling throughout the steam cloud surrounding the fountain.

Mogwai says 'Oh, true, I suppose that does put a damper on things.'

Cecily says 'You idiots! You are only causing damage to the city!'

Helios forms a hand out of his cloud of flakes just so he can facepalm at his poor targeting skills.

Mogwai throws popcorn at Helios

Mogwai says 'Aim first, then shoot!'

Phoneman seems impressed, despite the inaccuracy of the attack. "Egads! What power! I had better be careful!"

Gravemind halts its movement at the rumbling sounds of combat going on above it. It growls and clicks its jaw together for a moment before it continued onward to find an exit from the stone sewer.

Mogwai says 'Altana above, that's like the first rule of handling a firearm!'

Helios says 'That woman did nothing to fix our targeting system! We want our money back!'

Berrypunch says 'And I want a Stallion in my life but I don't see that happening!'

Bahamut walks up to Helios and says with a smirk "Hello again, is this loud annoying pile of scrap a friend of yours"

Phoneman proceeds to push another app on its screen. "See how you like this!" Its camera then takes another picture of Helios, displaying it on its screen. It proceeds to alter the picture of Helios so that it appears to be brutally disassembled.

Phoneman says 'And -that- is what I'm going to do to you! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!"'

Helios looks at the crude picture of himself. "No, and is that a 4 megapixel camera? How obsolete!"

Helios says 'Never seen this jester before in our operational life.'

Following a heavy sigh, a somewhat-shaken Twilight stands and prepares to teleport into the middle of the fight. "...for Celestia's sake. I'm not just going to sit idly by and let myself become collateral damage in a fight. Let's get this over with..."

Bahamut says 'could just help him along on his goal and break his sensors .... that works for you metal creatures right?'

Mogwai walks over to Phoneman and gives him another push

Phoneman shakes its fist, "Who are you calling obsolete?! I'll have you know, 4 Megapixels is the standard design for all of the high tech phones!"

Gravemind finds its way out of the sewer and lumbers its way towards the source of noise... and food.

Cecily sighs.

Helios flickers his lens to simulare blinking. "We are equipped with the standard 500 megapixel visual system. Beat that, punk."

Phoneman falls on its back after being pushed by Mogwai. It mutters, "Stay out of this, strange animal! This just got PERSONAL!" as it rises to its feet.

Watching the phone-like robot's "fighting" style and the subsequencent responses, Sylana sighs and stands, putting herself between Phoneman and the others. "I believe you all have had your fun for the time being... I see no need to pick on him anymore." She glares at Phoneman over her shoulder.

Mogwai frowns.

Mogwai says 'Was worth a shot.'

Twilight says 'If you need to know, I decided to step in when ONE of you almost took my HEAD off with a stray shot! If it hadn't been for that, I would be somewhere else, studying!'

Helios says 'You needed a wake-up call anyway. You were drooling on that book.'

Helios points to the book on horse mating.

Phoneman says, 'No more insults! It's time for my ultimate attack!' Phoneman screams wildly while charging towards Helios, but suddenly stops midcharge as its screen changes. A hip 8-bit song plays from its speaker as a blocky picture of an old man with white hair appears on the screen.

Phoneman says, 'Oh! Excuse me, I need to take this!' as it turns its back towards Helios.

Bahamut shrugs, 'Ive lost interest... no point getting angry over bugs buzzing.' Bahamut yawns widely, and starts to head back too the bench.

Mogwai just stands there, totally lost as to what just happened

Mogwai says 'wat'

Helios stares blankly at the man-phone monster. "Did he just ignore us for a phone call?

Bahamut says 'And pony thing, you should treat those books with better care.'

The wind grows calm and quiet after a short time, and the robed woman looks upward somewhat, addressing the sky as much as the horizon toward the same southwestern direction. Her expression is indiscernable, however, given that she's facing away from everyone at the southern edge of the region, at the moment.

Phoneman looks excited as it answers itself, "Dr. Wily! Ohh, thank the lab! I thought I was in robot hell! Where am I?! Did I defeat Mega Man!?"

Helios takes note of the womans growing unease, reading himself for further combat.

"Now hold on--" Sylana looks utterly perplexed at Phoneman's sudden attack, and the sudden interruption of said attack, watching the robot with her hands crossing her chest and an eyebrow raised.

Even as she levitates said book over, Twilight Sparkle narrows her eyes and holds the offending manual aloft with her magic in preparation to sling it at the unfamiliar device. Bahamut's comment earns an irritated stare from the unicorbrarian, though she pointedly ignores him after that.

Dr. Wily's voice comes out of Phoneman's speakers for everyone to hear, "Vat is zis?! Who are you!? Vhy are you showing up on my secret undercover signal grid!?"

Phoneman jumps up and down nervously, "But Dr. Wily! It's me! Phoneman! DRN-1337! You stationed me at the Sprint kiosk to ambush Mega Man! Remember?!"

Helios stares at Phoneman's distress. "Wat."

Dr. Wily's voice booms from Phoneman's speakers, "VAT!? That's a terrible idea! Ridiculous! Absurd! Vut you do seem to possess my unique radio signal. You must have been built by a different Dr. Wily. Vatever! Go crash and burn for all I care. Hmpf! Phoneman. I swear I--" as he hangs up the phone on his end.

Mogwai says 'Wow, your own creator disowned you. You know, maybe I was right the first time. Maybe you are in Robot Hell.'

Helios says 'Definetly robot hell.'

Helios says 'It took us months to get repairs, so we should know.'

Bahamut says 'i can reheat the water if you like. Give you the full deal.'

A man staggers into the vicinity from the north, dragging his feet as he heads toward the fountain. His head is hung and his arms are somewhat limp at his sides. His movement is slow and erratic, but steady; he looks like he's in bad shape, an open wound visible on the side of his arm, through the beige coat he's wearing.

Phoneman flashes its screen a couple of times, as if blinking eyes again. "'m no longer needed? WAAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!" as it pushes another app on its screen. The hatches from its side open and a couple of tiny arms carrying water bottles come out. It proceeds to spray the water out, as if trying to cry.

Taking the sudden interruption as a cue, Twilight Sparkle shakes her head once to send the unwanted book flying at Phoneman, all while it's surrounded by the magenta-tinted glow from her horn. "Here, have a book for your trouble!"

The robed woman lowers her head back to a levelled position, going back to watching the southern distance even as night falls.

Mogwai takes a look at the cover, tilts her head sideways, and whistles

Mogwai says 'No, I think that's yours. And you really shouldn't be throwing that around in public.'

Helios takes note of the injured man coming from the north. "Are you alright over there?"

Sylana frowns at Phoneman "Look, it's okay, I'm sure..." Her statement trails off when she spots the man, her somewhat calm demeanor turning a bit more worried. She moves away from the group and over to the man. "Hey, are you alright...? Let me see those wounds..."

Phoneman takes the book in full force and falls on its back, not really caring anymore.

Helios begins to grow suspicious of the man, who still hasn't responded. He readies his mining laser for another shot.

The man shambles forward a bit further, and stops as Sylana gets close. Without warning, the man suddenly throws his arms forward and raises his gaunt face, dead eyes piercing forward as he attempts to viciously bite at any part of Sylana he can get ahold of!

Helios fires the laser at the man!

Phoneman says 'I'm finished! Out of minutes! No warranty!'

Mogwai screams and throws her popcorn bucket at the zombie.

Even as Phoneman goes down, Twilight is turning to watch the others, and quickly readying the sniper rifle she's got hidden from view via levitating and loading a single round into it.

"Hey..." Sylana moves close to the man, then gasps as the man lunges. "W-what...!?" She jumps back a little, hoping to avoid him, while strugging to grab the daggers at her sides.

The zombie stumbles as Sylana backs off, but doesn't fall. He groans loudly, pressing on toward her even as Helio's laser blasts a portion of his arm off; the stump oozes dark blood, but does nothing to prevent him from dragging himself toward his intended victim!

In a flash Bahamut is standing behind the man, and goes to pin him!

Sylana finally grabs a hold of one of her daggers, immediately flinging it at the shambling man, not taking the time to notice Bahamut teleporting in and trying to grab him.

While focusing and targeting the encroaching zombie in her rifle's scope, Twilight closes one eye, taking a deep breath to calm down and clear her mind. "Wait for the right moment..."

The zombie is shoved forward as Bahamut pins him underfoot, narrowly missed being hit in the face with the incoming dagger. However, this leaves a target behind the zombie to deal with the incoming projectile, instead...

Not wanting to get too close, Mogwai grabs the closest weapon around, the book lying on the ground, and attempts to smack the zombie with it.

Helios says 'Well, at least we hit it this time.'

Bahamut places even greater force on the zombie, causing the pavement underneath to crack and crumble.

Being all of dead flesh, under THAT kind of pressure, the zombie is completely smashed against the pavement; however, assuming his head to still be intact and not subject to this pressure, it still groans and garbles, nashing its rotting teeth in zombielike despair at not being able to do anything about the current situation.

At the south end of the fountain, the robed woman seems uninterested in the goings-on. Perhaps she's merely glad it broke up the fighting going on amongst the rest of these 'children'.

As the zombie falls under Bahamut's kick, Twilight Sparkle lines the crosshairs of her rifle's scope upon its face, before pulling the trigger and sending a single high-caliber round flying from the end of the firearm.

The force of the rifle blast shatters the ailing zombie's head in terriffic, gory display! Brains and skull matter fly everywhere in a short radius! The zombie, of course, ceases to exist beyond this point.

Mogwai raises her book up to slam it down on the creature's skull "Hit it in the head!" She barely manages to get the book in front of her face as she hears the rifle go off.

Mogwai grimaces at the brain matter all over the horse sex book. She brings it over to Twilight.

Bahamut grumbles, "great now i got zombie all over me."

Helios floats over and begins scanning the remains. "Havent seen a zombie in a while. This will provide valuable data."

Mogwai says 'Here's your porno back. I'm afraid I got it all sticky.'

Sylana takes another step back from the zombie corpse, her calm demeanor returned despite the relative mess of the creature on her. She sighs. "What was that...?"

Grabbing the book about horse breeding and washing blood off the hard cover, Berrypunch looked grosed out

Helios says 'well, it was apparently a zombie, given the fact that our mining laser had no effect.'

Helios says 'also it was dead.'

Bahamut says 'and if not.. its not happy...'

Sylana turns to Helios, a faint hint of confusion crossing her features. "Dead? It was moving... dead creatures do not move after they are dead." She frowns at the robot.

A soft groan, similar to that of the zombie that was just vanquished, fills the air. It seems directionless in its atmosphere, not seeming to have come from a particular direction. It merely seems... there.

Helios says 'Well, it had no heartbeat and was not respiring...'

Helios looks around. "That was not a good sound..."

Mogwai starts to rifle through her pack, before pulling out a long whip

Mogwai says 'Here we go!'

Berrypunch says 'Actually I own this book... I just slipped it to Twilight's collection. of... was that the groan of another of those things we just heard'

Mogwai says 'Quite possibly! Also, that makes more sense. She seems like the type that wouldn't know what to do with such a book.'

Sighing inwardly, and once again levitating her sniper rifle out of view, Twilight stands and moves closer to conduct a thorough magical scan of the corpse. The faint groan, however, has her quickly retrieving the same rifle from where it's hidden and loading a fresh round into it.

Bahamut leans over with an open hand and brushes a blue flame acorss his boots incenerating the mess left on them and with a slight after thought plucks a bullet out of the boots.

Helios says 'True, true. Ms. Punch over here seems like a more likely culprit.'

The robed woman inclines her head again, slightly. She exhales through her nose again, but says nothing.

"But still, it--" Sylana cuts off at the sound of the groan, glancing about the area silently, not finishing whatever the statement was.

Berrypunch pulls some goomba fangs out of her back pack and ready to assault whatever them monsters are.

Bahamut says 'there is always more of these things.'

Berrypunch says 'I have plenty of these goomba fangs to throw into eyeballs'

Sylana says ' Of course. It is never simple, is it...?'

Helios sighs. "Cleft never does things in ones, we have found."

Mogwai says 'That's not enough. You need to remove the head, or destroy the brain'

Bahamut says 'indeed, by the way. are you alright?'

Another groan resounds through the area, but it seems less loud than the one before it. It filters away as a gentle breeze picks it up, carrying it into silence.

Mogwai says 'I'm fine, I covered my face in time.'

Sylana pulls a few more daggers from her pack, readying herself and silently scanning the area.

Twilight says 'It's not going to be easy, but I've got a weapon I can use to destroy their head AND brain in one go.'

Helios says 'Looks like they are moving away.'

Helios scans the surrounding area in search of more of the same things.

Berrypunch says 'And that's good for us, right?'

Helios says 'Most likely. Well, bad for others, but good for us.'

Bahamut says 'odd.. i would have thought the smell of blood would have lured them all here.. thats why i.. hrm.'

Helios seems to shrug. "Unusual, we know."

Berrypunch says 'do you think we should set them on fire? Or will this just be more dangerous that way?'

Berrypunch convulses as she shudders in disgust.

Mogwai says 'It's been my experience that fire solves most problems'

Bahamut says 'hrm.. hard to say i dont think there are that many.. but they cant be left unchecked either.. thats a problem with zombies.. and most other parasites.'

The atmosphere quietens by this time, no further groans or like-sounds coming from anywhere around.

Helios moves his scan farther south. He stops and slowly looks at the woman. "You scan like death, Miss. Care to tell us why?"

Sylana sighs. "I suppose we should go and take care of the remaining, ah, zombies, then?" She casts a questioning glance at Bahamut.

Helios says 'You didnt react to the zombie, after all.'

At the notion of the ceased activity, the robed woman lowers her head again, closing her eyes for a moment as she folds her arms over her chest, still facing her same direction. She doesn't respond to Helios' inquisition.

Berrypunch's ears flatten against her pony head.

Even while the groaning fades into silence, Twilight Sparkle keeps her rifle ready to fire, with the scope close to her right eye. "Better stay alert, for any surprises..."

Bahamut says 'there isnt a reason to hunt them down. although you better be ready to fight.'

Helios seems to frown. "And here we have the same problem as before. You refuse to answer out queries." He turns to the rest of the group. "Perhaps you all would like to ask instead, hmm?"

Berrypunch says '"I think we should start hunting them down... strange thing to say since I'm a vegetarian'

Helios says 'Maybe she will respond to one of you.'

Mogwai says 'Usually when someone doesn't respond to an accusation, it's because they don't want to incriminate themselves'

Berrypunch coughs and then asks "What is your name? I'm Berry Punch"

"Death follows in the shadows of us all. Your interrogation could be as equally applied to any one of us here, at this very moment." Her tone is a bit on the gravelly side, still oddly contradicting in her lighthearted vocal range.

Berrypunch holds her hoof to shake with the cold acting lady talking about death.

Bahamut says 'asking that one is not going to lead to productive results.. as for hunting these creatures.. if the smell of blood isnt drawing them out.. we might not even find them all..'

Helios says 'That may be true, but then again, few of us have an almost toxicly dark aura.'

Phoneman finally rises to its feet and slumps over in a depressed manner, "I have no reason for going on..I couldn't defeat Mega Man..Dr. Wily's disowned me..and am I'm out of service! Guess I'd better go find the closest...scrap heap!" as it starts to make its way to the south.

"No worries about that." Sylana gestures vaguely with her daggers, before looking at Helios and the woman again, and shrugs at him while watching Berrypunch.

The woman gingerly steps to the side to let Phoneman pass, the first movement she's truly made since her presence was noted.

Helios grabs phoneman with his magnetic field. "Hold, we may have use for you yet."

Mogwai says 'Hey Phone Guy, maybe you can find purpose in destroying those zombies? After all, you're a reploid. You can't be infected.'

"Erim. My name is Erim. Though it matters not if you remember it or not, from now until then." This is all she says, and completely disregards Berry's offered hoof.

Berrypunch says '"Second question Erim, Do you like alchohol?"'

Phoneman is grabbed by the magnetic field, 'Release me! I can't complete my purpose! I belong in the heap..'

Helios pulls phoneman back into the square. "Your flash may be useful."

Phoneman mutters, "Oh sure, that's what they said for Flash Man. Then Bright Man. Trust me pal, it's overrated."

"Alcohol is for those who need an additional, out of an already-infinite supply, of reasons to waste their lives accomplishing nothing." Her arms remain folded as her eyes remain closed, still facing the south.

Phoneman cringes, "Much like those 'apple' phones! Who calls a phone a fruit, anyway?! Preposterous!"

Mogwai says 'Someone really needs to visit the mystical fountain of rum'

"We only had ring dial back in Equestria, Compared to my homeland you are centuries more advanced Mr. Phonebot" Berrypunch told phoneman with a smile. "And I've been to the Fountain of rum, got drunk, woke up next morning with a rabbit"

Helios nods. "We hear that they suck peoples wallets dry."

Phoneman seems to perk up a little at the pony's statement, "R..really? Even with my 4 megapixel camera?"

Sylana listens to the conversation silently, her eyes still darting about the area. After a moment, she sighs, and addresses Erim, her tone sounding a bit more blunt and flat than usual. "What is so important to the south that you must constantly face that way? That seems as though a waste of time you want to point out of often, as well."

Bahamut yawns as he walks on over too the bench and flops down. "How odd, oh well time to take a nap."

Berrypunch says '"Cameras where I came from still have physical film reels"'

Twilight says 'We don't even have anything beyond old-fashioned carriages.'

"We aren't given to the options we prefer, more times than not. If I miss an opportunity and am required to wait for it further, then it is a bigger waste of time than that which I am partaking of at this time. Elsewise, I can do nothing else for the time being." Erim's tone is a bit condescending, as if she were criticizing a stupid question of an annoying child. "Out of the situations we find ourselves in at times, even if both are unpreferred, you take the one that is least intolerable. Is this not correct?"

She giggles as she nods "We do have refrigerators, but those are the work of master enchanters. And not as good as the ones here. You could call us Cave ponies" Berrypunch chuckled

Helios says 'Yes, but that still does not explain your aura. '

Phoneman leaps in joy, "Film rolls?! Ahaha! So I'm not useless!"

Helios says 'People with dark auras with the undead wandering around lead to a suspicious Helios.'

Erim says, 'My aura is no concern of yours. You would do well to keep your third eyes to yourselves, lest it result in a problem for you further down the road.'

Mogwai says 'How about we just assume she's involved when you all look into it?'

Helios says 'We already have problems that will come back to us. Why not add another.'

Bahamut says 'thats some wise words.. it would be bad to pick a fight with some creatures of this realm at your level..'

While the conversations continue around her, Twilight Sparkle still has her rifle within reach, at the same time she reads a small book from one of her saddlebags.

"And the least intolerable action is to sit around and simply do nothing? It sounds to me as though you simply do not know what to do." Sylana shrugs. "Why tolerate the looks and questions of those aroung, otherwise? To simply amuse yourself?"

Erim says, 'Picking fights is what children do. I've already borne witness to this once today, and you're correct; I'd rather not see it happen again, if given the choice.'

Berrypunch says 'we have a princess back home with a dark aura, regent of the moon, Princess Luna... Nice pony really, real hoot on Nightmare Night.\'

Bahamut yawns closing his eyes. "Wake me if you require my assistence.."

Erim says, 'If I must wait, then I might as well find a way to pass the time less ineffectively. 'Conversations' are one of these methods, I assume. And I wait because I must; pressing further threatens the ambition, and while patience is not one of my better virtues, I do still possess it.'

Phoneman pushes another app on its screen, causing it to transform into an aeriel vehicle! It then proceeds to blast off into the sky, never(?!) to be seen again!

Berrypunch turns to chat with Phoneman some more only to see him blast off.

Helios says 'You could at least have the common courtesey to face us when you are speaking with us.'

Berrypunch says 'Something about that exit reminds me of Cobra Commander from daughter's comic books.'

Erim laughs softly, throwing her head back somewhat as she does. "Courtesy? So says the one with no drive save for what was learned from others! What can YOU lecture me for about common pleasantries in this world?"

"Why, yes, a conversation is a nice, and sometimes fruitful way to pass the time... but it only is so if two members participate, which is what you were not doing earlier." Sylana chuckles humorlessly. "Perhaps that is something you try to succeed a bit better at next time." She watches Erim intently now, no longer paying attention to the general area.

Berrypunch says 'Twilight, How did you get the settlers of Appaloosa and the Buffalo to stop fighting? '

The light in Helios' lens narrows. He stay silent, however.

Twilight says 'I wasn't the one, actually... Rainbow Dash was the one who did what she could. ...and PIE, of all things, was what got them to cooperate.'

Erim still faces away from the general group. "Nobody is created perfect, least of all myself. But what I show for in discrepencies, I make up for in the sound logic of situational happenstance. Suffice it to say, I am not the instigator, here. For all of your inquisitive natures, you could have easily left me be the entire evening. But you chose not to."

"It is unfortunate that this was your choice."

Helios says 'Forgive us if your silence was overly suspicious. '

Berrypunch stares at the sky.

Sylana sighs. "You cannot blame me, or anyone else. You are an interesting figure, made even moreso by the fact that you refused to speak. If you want others to leave you be, may I suggest being more friendly the next time this situation occurs? That way, you will not be troubled."

Erim laughs again, equally soft. "'Suspicion' is what drives people to assumption, if I'm correct. And this assumption leads to further 'jumping of the gun'. These traits never cease to amuse me, as commonplace as they are. If everyone kept their noses and muzzles out of everyone else's business where they weren't welcomed, I imagine this world to be a much happier place."

Erim says, 'I am far from troubled, child. Worry not for my sake, but only for your own.'

Mogwai says 'Yes, a much happier place where you can be murdered in the middle of a street and nobody would lend a hand to help'

Mogwai says 'If we hadn't stuck our noses in, that girl might very well be dead.'

Twilight says 'For once... I'm glad I'm NOT asking questions.'

Helios nods to Mogwai. "Indeed." He turns back to the woman. "As to that, we can take care of ourselves. Why should we worry?"

Bahamut rolls over snoring rather loudly...

Berrypunch says 'why does the cake in this crazy place evaporate? it's like the alicorn that made this world didn't want ponies to be happy!!'

Erim smiles a dark smile, though it is unseen from her direction. "There is always something to worry about. Always."

Twilight says 'Nothing here seems to make much sense to me either, Berry... But I'm adapting pretty well to everything thus far.'

Sylana sighs again, the frustrated sound quickly gone as she begins to speak again. "Of course there is always a worry; such is part of existing. Worrying endlessly over something will get you nowhere, however. Dealing with it is simply part of existing... lest you become paranoid of every little thing going awry"

Helios says 'We have plenty to worry, but we do not worry constantly.'

Berrypunch says 'Me too... but then it seems like this place then pulls another rug under your hoves'

Helios says 'That would take up too much critical processing power.'

Erim unfolds her arms at this time, gesturing in front of her at nothing in particular. "Exactly."

Erim says, 'But the fact remains that this doesn't stop it from happening. And thus fear is created and instilled within the heart of mankind.'

"Fear.. haha." Erim giggles somewhat, a childlike sound.

Quiet and calm as she listens to everything around her, Twilight's keeping her senses hyperalert and constantly scanning with one of her most powerful identification spells.

Helios looks at himself in the mirrored flakes in the cloud surrounding him. "We are not a Homs, though we do worry. We can see the logic in your statement, though we do not understand why you find fear amusing."

Berrypunch says 'And speaking of the concerns of this place... Twilight, If there is only one stallion in this cleft, what do you think the odds would be of him being gay?'

Helios says 'Applied correctly, fear is a most useful tool.'

Berrypunch says 'Hypothetically speaking, of course.'

Seeming a bit of put put-off be Erim's laughter, Sylana clears her throat and shrugs, though the latter cannot be seen by the robed woman "What is the matter with fear? It is an emotion of the sentinent heart, and must be dealt with like any other. Fear can even keep you from meeting a fatal end."

"Understanding! This, I had not expected. Very good." She seems openly delighted at Helios' revelation.

Helios says 'As far as we can tell, worry, and by extension fear, is merly a side effect of having sentience. '

Berrypunch says 'Also if he wasn't gay, what would be the odds of him wanting a harem?'

As her identification spell nears Erim, Twilight Sparkle shivers fiercely, as if she's buffeted by a harsh northern wind. "I don't know what I picked up with that spell... But I'm getting some VERY BAD feelings about our 'guest'... Even Nightmare Moon's magical signature wasn't HALF as dark, or filled with death..."

Mogwai gazes thoughtfully at Berrypunch and says 'Hmmm.'

Mogwai says 'If he's like half the men I know... good odds.'

A thunderclap erupts from the sky, and with it, a jagged bolt of lightning that strikes Erim's suddenly-outstretched hand; it crackles radiantly for a moment, leaving a glittering golden trident in her grasp, the handled end tapping the ground gently. "Fear, worry, dismay. They all have the same ending. How few of them are able to overcome such odds when pitted against them? Fear consumes everyone, in every way."

Helios says 'For example, the other mechons who are not sentient go about their days with little more than simple thoughts and whims. They live for the present, assuming they even understand that. We worry, because we are at a higher level of sentience.'

Berrypunch convulses as she shudders in disgust.

"Fear that something will take your family. Worry that your possessions will be lost. Despair that you will never amount to that which those around you, or yourself, had hoped. It is an empowering emotion!"

Berrypunch says 'I've lost a lot of those that you listed Erim, I just hope my daughter doesn't hate me for vanishing from the face of Equestria.'

Helios says 'They all are. Which is why we had safeguards put in to prevent ourself from becoming drunk with the power of being able to wield fear. When threatened and fully operational, we can be most fearsome indeed.'

Mogwai says 'Could be worse. I hope my old master doesn't flip his lid, go drunk with power, and destroy half of Vana'diel'

Berrypunch says 'I was also the town drunk... ironic isn't it.'

Helios says 'There is always the danger of losing oneself.'

Sylana says ' Yes, of course it is empowering, and it can be debilitating, if you let it. But, to put it simply, you overcome it or you die. Do you not think anyone is capible of that?'

"The little things seems to wind up being the most important to mortals, unfortunately. But such is the way of mankind; it's never changed, and it never will. Your 'existence', surpassing them all, as the most important thing you have. But no matter. As it stands, I must depart for now. The child slumbers, and no more will be obtained from my vigil. Perhaps another time." She taps the trident's blunt end on the ground sharply.

Bahamut climbs up from the bench swaying with his eyes still closed..

"The problem is that mankind often chooses to fear the dark, instead of embracing it. It is everywhere you look, and is erroneously assumed as detrimental." Another thunderclap issues forth from the sky, and in a basking wave of shadows, a dark sphere encompasses her form before it shoots into the sky, disappearing with her into the heavens.

Helios says 'Well, that almost went completly wrong.'

Sylana sighs, not watching Erim fly off, instead focusing her attention on the fountain, seeming lost in thought.

Helios says 'We have been considering making some shadow based weaponry. Perhaps that woman was telling us something.'

Twilight says 'So is it the same way in Equestria... Could I have possibly gone down that route, when I went crazy over not having anything to report to Celestia that time...?'

Helios says 'If the tests are successful, we would be willing to offer you all some equipment.'

Bahamut begins to walk west, in his dream like state mumbling too himself.

Helios says 'We can only have so many addons to ourself, after all.'

Berrypunch sighs "Twi did you need to remind me of the time we all went mad over a doll you enchanted."

Eventually snapping out of her trance, Sylana notices Bahamut's movements, and frowns, though she moves no closer to him and calls out instead. "Esper, are you well?"

Helios says 'He is dreaming. It is best not to wake him.'

Bahamut blinks twice, turns around "huh?.. what." As a powerful silver aura engulfs bahamut in a flash...

Twilight Sparkle looks down at the ground beneath her hooves, deep in thought, before shuddering in disgust and shaking her head. "To think, now, that I could've fallen onto the path of darkness..."

Sylana glances over to Helios, then shrugs slightly. "If it is as you say, then very well." She continues watching Bahamut, however, though she does not call out to him again.

Berrypunch hugs Twilight and shakes her head "Then Celestia would have been a very, very, lazy Princess to let that happen"

Twilight says 'I'm glad she came to put an end to that, and show me where I'd gone wrong that time.'

Bahamut yawns broadly, as the aura slowly dies off. "That is a bad habbit.. gotta stop doing that... one day i may regret it..."

Helios says 'Well, either way, we must go and revise the plans for the weaponry, even if it is just for ourself.'

Bahamut says 'weaponry? for what, the zombies?'

Helios says 'Various shadow-based weaponry. Useful in many situations.'

Helios says 'Not necessarily for the zombies.'

Bahamut says 'Shadow and light weaponary are some of the most fussies useless powers in creation.'

Sylana gives Bahamut a faint smile, though the gesture lacks emotion. "Yes, sleeping and walking at the same time is not the best option to travel..." She frowns a bit at the mention of zombies, but pointedly does not look about the area, instead looking back at the fountain.

Helios seems to shrug. "If you say so, but we were planning in having it be powered by the ambient darkness in the area. It wont run out of power for the most part, so it is useful for that."

Bahamut says 'sleeping and walking.. ah.. hrm..yes... that exactly what i wsa thinking.. bad that sleeping walking buisness...'

Helios says 'But even in those turn out to be a bust, the portal needs repar. We must go and fix things around our home.'

Helios activates the cloaking device that he was testing earlier and heads off north.

Bahamut says 'Hrm... i really should be more careful.. i havent full recovered.. oh well, I will see you critters another time.'

Twilight Sparkle lies down fully, keeping her rifle within reach, though she engages the safety to prevent a accidental discharge. "It certainly has been an... INTERESTING night."

Mogwai agrees with Twilight.

Berrypunch says '"If only us mares had a boyfriend"'

Berrypunch says 'that would be the only way to top this day"'

Berrypunch says 'err... night'

Mogwai says 'You know... I actually think I have a way to fix that'

Berrypunch rolls on her back and looks at the sky. "really? What's his name?

Sylana doesn't notice the leavings or conversations of anyone else at this point. She mutters softly, "That woman... she was waiting on the kid to do something? Perhaps I should find him..." She idly walks to the east, still muttering under her breath.

Mogwai says 'Twilight Sparkle.'

Twilight says 'Yes?'

Mogwai says 'Just talking about you, nothing too important'

Mogwai turns her attention back to Berry.

Twilight says 'Oh.'

Mogwai says 'Anyway, I have a spell for that. I may not be able to find another stallion, but I can make you one.'

Berrypunch then snapped to attention and stood up... "Wait, what??? Oh no you are not messing with Twilight's gender identity!"

Mogwai smirks.

Mogwai says 'It's just an option. That's why I asked, instead of just going ahead and doing it.'

Twilight Sparkle goes crimson, choke-coughing in response to Berry's statement, and going wide-eyed.

Berrypunch says 'I think I'll just go to Fort Walla-Walla's stables if I want to break the taboos with dynamite'

Mogwai says 'Well, let me know if you change your mind. You know, I've seen so many ponies around here lately. All girls though.'