Free City, Truce - Fountain
A tiered fountain marks the center of Truce, water gushing from its
summit and trickling into a deep, wide basin, wrapped by a ring of benches.
Roads flow like rivers away from the fountain, and houses sprout like weeds
all around them. Not far to the east, the ocean roars in the harbor.

Kyrk strides into the fountain area of Truce, black cape billowing about his form. It's a windy evening, and even if he wanted to, he would have severe issues trying to control the flapping material. On his shoulder hangs a white cat-like creature, looking ahead obliviously through a pair of round, red eyes.

Kyrk carries with him a massive two-handed sword, hefted in one hand, wrapped well in a large amount of cloth around the edge to prevent the edge from endangering himself or anyone else at this time.

Crossroads is sitting on a nearby bench reading a book. Although she notices Kyrk entering the area she decides to pay little attention to his presence. He was free to be here if he wanted after all... Even if he was irritating.

Kyrk glances at the bubbling water of the fountain briefly, before turning and having a seat himself at a bench elsewhere along the fountain, a good distance away. He sets the oversized weapon in his lap, and Kyuubey, still on his shoulder, watches with mild, if still oblivious, interest.

Kyrk proceeds to begin unraveling the cloth from the weapon's edge, taking it back in bands along his arm as he does.

Crossroads turns the page of her book, taking a brief look at the weapon with feelings of mild discomfort. Her vision had yet to come to pass, and she was pretty sure that it was still on course considering that she had not felt anything change.

Kyrk unwraps his weapon fully after a moment, apparently taking care to keep the cloth tightly wound around his arm while not being used. The edge seems a little scuffed, and takes on an oddly-darker blue tone than the rest of the blue-enameled metal that comprises the sword. Kyrk frowns momentarily, apparently in thought over something.

Crossroads keeps her eyes down on the page, but now that the sword had reminded her of her of her potential upcoming fight with him she was having trouble concentrating on what was written on it.

Kyrk lowers his eyes to the weapon in his thoughts, then glances sidelong at Kyuubey, who looks back at him with a "should I be doing something? I'm a cat" look. They look between each other for a time, and the feeling of an erstwhile exchange of some other format is apparant to all but the most unperceptive.

Another page turned. Not because Crossroads had finished reading it, but because she realized she had been staring at the same page for far too long. Her eyes drift back up to Kyrk and Kyuubey and it looked as though the two were... talking about something? only neither were moving their lips. Perhaps he was using the telepathy he had used with her after the last battle. She didn't think she had imagined it.

Kyrk looks down again, and Kyuubey follows Kyrk's gaze back to the sword. He hesitates for a moment, then reaches up rather suddenly, grabbing at... something in front of him; it quite literally looks like the air. Whatever it is, he takes it in both hands, and begins pulling it apart, directing both hands to pull away from each other in a visually-tearing sort of motion.

Though nothing seems to be in his grasp, Kyrk looks like he's actually pulling something apart; the tendons along his knuckles bulge slightly from his obvious effort.

A small rose gem, held onto by a near-invisible silver necklace at his throat, glows softly as Kyrk works with the "air" in front of him.

Sighing, Crossroads snaps her book closed and finally looks at Kyrk. What in the world was he doing? She didn't really want to ask, but at the same time, she was quite curious.

Kyrk struggles for a moment, his hands only growing centimeters apart at a time, but there is a suddenly jerk in his motion as something apparently gives; indeed, there is a quick but loud ripping sound from the area in the air that he had grabbed, and from seemingly out of nowhere, a glowing, dark blue glob of... something, now floats in the air where his hands were.

The blue glob crackles lightly, tiny currents of dark electricity-like charges volting around the substance as Kyrk gives a sigh, apparently winded somewhat.

A cardboard box shuffles in from the direction of the docks. It appears to move, if this were possible for boxes, with a halfhearted aimlessness.
Perhaps this strange box was weary of being rained upon night after night.
Perhaps the box's pet rock (or something) was in poor health?
Whatever the cause, the box was clearly rather down, picking it's way across the square.
No effort is made to hide the clink and clank of a dragged chain, or the occasional sigh or grumble.
The box, clearly too preoccupied to watch where it is going, bumps into one of the fountainside benches, swearing quietly before resigning itself to settle on the spot.

Kyrk looks at the glowing blob studiously for a moment, before looking alongside himself and reaching for a thick-looking, metallic-coated glove that he'd brought with him but never mentioned up to this point. His eyes glance over the box as his vision crosses over, but he appears to show little interest or concern.

Crossroads leans forward a little from the spot she is at, looking at the orb closely and wondering what its purpose was. She was seriously contemplating asking now, curiosity getting the best of her. She opened her mouth to say something only to have her attention pulled away by a.... "Box?"

The box somehow grumbles and mutters, but otherwise remains still.

Kyrk looks at Crossroads briefly as he dons the glove on one hand, his eyes switching momentarily to the box before returning his full attention to the glob hovering in front of him. He reaches for it with his gloved hand, his brow somewhat furrowed.

Crossroads stared down at the box for a moment. If there was one thing she knew, it was that boxes do not grumble... or even walk for that matter. She stands up and leans over it, deciding that something had to be inside.

Kyrk takes the glob of crackling blue substance in his gloved hand, which discharged slightly as it is grabbed, but does not seem to harm Kyrk. He hoists one leg somewhat, raising the edged side of his massive sword in his lap towards himself.

Crossroads takes hold of the box and lifts it up.

Ezekial groans loudly.

Ezekial has clearly seen better days. Blinking in the sudden light, he seems a little shaky and disorriented. Even the Chain Chomp chained to him is somehow...thin?

Kyrk seems to disregard the erstwhile activity going on nearby; his focus is on that of the substance he now holds, and his large twohanded sword still resting in his lap. The edgeline is propped upward as one leg raises, and he begins applying the goo lightly along the blade's edge, coating it thoroughly. The substance crackles and shoots a stray, if barely-there, bolt of lighting outward as it connects to the weapon's metallic surface, but otherwise remains intact.

Crossroads stares down at the man, and really under any other circumstance she would have turned her attention back to Kyrk after finding what was within, however this person looked familiar. Very familiar. "I know you... your...." She paused. thinking carefully.

"He's one of us." Kyrk speaks idly as he continues coating his weapon with the substance, not even looking up. His soul gem, apexed at the necklace around his throat, still glows softly as he works.

"Zeke Kogs, profesiona-" Ezekial begins half-heartedly, then freezes. In an instant, he flies into activity, talking quickly " No I'm not- er, one of what."

Crossroads glanced at Kyrk then back at the box man and his pet. She remembered fully now. "I was looking for you!" She said to him, then she glanced back at Kyrk, finally having enough " And what are you doing, Kyrk?"

"Staying sharp, in a matter of speaking. Nothing you need concern yourself with, this isn't intended for you. Antimatter is a volatile substance, and I apologize if it makes you nervous." Kyrk still didn't look up, though he has reached the lower end of his breaker blade, nearly finished with his task.

Ezekial flinches, still ferverishly on edge as everyone ignores him.

"Why would I think it was intended for me?" Crossroads looks considerably more uncomfortable, and nearly drops the box back on Ezekial. She turns her gaze down at him, "Erm... sorry. You made a wish?"

Ezekial says ' ...of course not.'

Ezekial says ' If I made a wish I would be bound by some contract'

Kyrk merely shakes his head, not bothering to inform Cross that her nervousness was nearly tangible. Instead, he finishes his task, and looks upon the edge of his weapon, which now glows with a deep blue aura, occasionally emitting a small crackle of electricity here and there.

Ezekial flinches again, then grins to himself.

Kyrk quietly sets about unwinding the cloth from his arm at this time, and rewrapping it around the flat of his sword, seemingly being extra careful this time as compared to the unwrapping process.

Crossroads decided that she would take Kyrks word for it. It didn't seem like him to lie about someone being one of them. Besides, the this man had immediately mentioned the contract. So he knew about it at least. "I don't belive you Mr. Boxman.

Ezekial continues as though he hadn't heard anything. "No Contract No Price No wish."

Ezekial "I haven't even seen one of these supposed witche-" cuts off as he realizes what he is saying.

Ezekial coughs loudly.

Ezekial says ' look at me lady, do I look like someone whose wishes have any power?'

Kyrk finishes wrapping up his armament, and gets to his feet, still wearing the metallic-cover glove on one hand. He hefts the mighty weapon using that same hand, and turns to look toward Ezekial and Crossroads, wordlessly.

Ezekial spreads his stubby arms, taking in the starving beast, the cardboard box, and his ragged clothing.

Kyuubey, however, seems to have something to say, still being mounted on Kyrk's shoulder. "I see you haven't done much with yourself. Such a pity."

"You have no soul." Crossroads said flatly. She could thank Ambience's reaction to him for knowing that one.

Ezekial begins chanting to himself " no witches no wishes no contract no business no witches no wishes no contract no cat no soul-"

Ezekial blinks in utter disbelief.

Ezekial glares at Crossroads.

Ezekial says ' Lady I may be a mess but I take offense to that.'

Kyuubey says 'It's a shame to think you would have expected something when you have made no attempt to utilize your own power. You have only yourself to blame for your status.' His statement is harsh and unfiltered, but spoken in his familiarly-carefree tone, as always.

Kyrk merely stands there near his bench, holding his weapon and saying nothing.

Ezekial mutters "no cat there is no cat get a hold of yourself."

Crossroads simply shrugs. Kyrk had said it, Ambience had reacted when she first saw him, and Kyuubey was now confiming it. He could take all the offense he wanted but it appeared that he still made the wish... even though he seemed to be in denial.

Ezekial says ' Cats only talk to crazy people and besides that wish was useless.'

Ezekial says ' Pull too much money out of your sleaves and people will start to ask questions, maybe decide to do something about it.'

Kyuubey settles himself down on Kyrk's shoulder, his tail wafting lazily behind him. "Misfortune tends to follow those who do not uphold their end of the bargain, not to mention those who do not take care of themselves. We've already had a casualty, and it would truly be a shame if a little push was needed to get back on track." With those words from the cat, Kyrk turns, looking with -almost- concern at Kyuubey as he heads northward, passing near the two of them on his way.

Ezekial spits "HYPOTHETICALLY."

Crossroads tilts her head to the side slightly, "What did you wish for?"

Ezekial sighs.

Ezekial says ' I. DIDNT. MAKE. A. WISH.'

Kyrk makes his exit to the north, taking Kyuubey with him.

"I don't believe you." Crossroads says flatly.

Ezekial says ' lady, Im done with this conversation.'

Ezekial says ' You said you thought you recognised me?'

Ezekial says ' well I've never met you. So maybe the person you are looking for is someone else.'

Ezekial sighs.

" I do recognize you." Crossroads said dropping the box back on Ezekial, "You left shortly before the witch showed up. It was the first one I fought. There were people there that got caught up in it!""

Ezekial snorts.

Ezekial says ' I dont have time for your nonsense. Gotta get back to looking for work.'

Ezekial says ' Now, if you needed help finding anything...'

Ezekial fishes in his coat distractedly.

Ezekial says ' ...I would be willing to offer my services...'

Ezekial says ' a professional investigator."'

Ezekial mutters "Damnit where did I leave that card."

Ezekial says ' BUT NOT as a witch hunter or whatever you think you are.'

Crossroads clenches her fists, "Alright! I'll hire you!" Her voice has an edge of determination. "I want you find the person that was there that day. The one without a soul that made that wish. The one I am mistaking for you.""

Ezekial snorts again. "Dont be ridiculous, thats-" Suddenly, his face breaks into a grin. "An excellent idea!"

Ezekial pulls a bulging sack out from under his coat.

Ezekial gets a golden apple from a bag of gold.

A Chain Chomp perks up at the sight of possible food.

Ezekial takes a bite of his apple, with a twinkle in his eye "You need to find this chap and I need a job."

Ezekial chews thoughtfully.

"But how much will you pay me? I can't work without a contract." Ezekial frowns in thought. "Not again."

Crossroads frowned. The guy looked like he was dying of starvation yet he held off on eating the apple until now. "How much do you think a job like this will cost?"

Ezekial grins evilly.

Ezekial says ' No telling, really. Depends on how long it takes to find far I have to look...expenses incurred in pursuit of the mark...'

Ezekial says ' lets say, 10 gold a day plus expenses.'

Ezekial says ' for starters'

Crossroads's frown deepened. This could go on for a long time. And 10 gold? Was this guy crazy? "I don't have that kind of money."

Ezekial frowns.

A Chain Chomp whimpers loudly.

Ezekial says ' Perhaps there is some way you could...make that kind of money?'

Ezekial says ' Or do you have anything else to offer?'

Crossroads blinked. "What do you mean?"

Ezekial says ' Anything valuable? Treasure? Magical Artifact?'

Crossroads puts her hand to her soul gem, it was the only real thing of value she had but parting with it made her feel uneasy. The other option was to aquire grief seeds for him, but there would never be any guarantee with those and she'd also be putting herself at risk while he was free of danger entirely.

Crossroads chews on her lip. She didn't have anything. A little gold maybe, but she couldn't pay him daily. "3 gold perday and a roof over your head." Had to be better than living in a box.

Ezekial frowns.

Ezekial says ' what kind of roof?'

Ezekial says ' Your roof? an Inn?'

Ezekial says ' the room is a good start.'

Crossroads says ' Start?'

Ezekial says ' if you have been looking for this guy and havent found him...'

Ezekial glances around.

Ezekial says ' he may not want to be found.'

Ezekial says ' this could be a dangerous job, hear what I am saying?'

Crossroads looks less than pleased "Yes..." she says slowly. "I understand."

Ezekial says ' For now, if things aren't as bad as I think they might
be, the room is enough.'

Ezekial says ' But if the situation changes we may need a new contract'

Ezekial winks suggestively.

Ezekial says ' We shall have to see.'

Ezekial offers a flipperish hand.

Crossroads takes it and shakes. All the while wondering what she had
just gotten herself into.