Free City, Truce - Fountain
A tiered fountain marks the center of Truce, water gushing from its
summit and trickling into a deep, wide basin, wrapped by a ring of benches.
Roads flow like rivers away from the fountain, and houses sprout like weeds
all around them. Not far to the east, the ocean roars in the harbor.

A young man strides in from the southern avenue, wearing a silver breastplate and dark leggings encompassed by a hood-down black cape. His hair is black and short, almost spiked. He wastes no time heading straight for the bench, and hops up onto one end, perching in a squat with his hands on his knees, looking off in any given direction.

Shamaster blinks in utter disbelief.

Shamaster says ' I feel..'

Shamaster says ' I feel like this has happened before.'

Shamaster says ' Recently...'

Shamaster shrugs helplessly.

Shamaster leaves south.

The man, looking to be in his mid or late twenties, didn't pay Shamaster any mind; since he hadn't been addressed, he assumes not to be being spoken of or to.

Shamaster arrives from the south.

Shamaster sits on a fountainside bench.

Shamaster says ' I swear.. I never see any police type entity outside of new people falling into the fountain'

Shamaster says ' They just sort of vanish until someone else is dragged in here.'

The man keeps to himself; he almost appears to be waiting for someone, not moving an inch from his perch aside from a glance around here and there.

Lowell wanders in from the north, grumbling lightly. His gaze wanders up from his map long enough to notice the black-clad man on the bench, and any frustration that might've been showing is immediately replaced with cautious intrigue.

Lowell takes a few steps closer, leaning around the spray of the fountain.

The man still remains where he is; on somewhat closer of inspection, he appears to be holding something in his left hand as it is pressed against his knee, but it is hidden in his palm.

Shamaster yawns.

As if dared, Lowell finally approaches the man. He does his best to look nonchalant, though his success in this is debatable.

Lowell says 'Are you alright, sir?'

The man speaks, a bit gruffly, but without obvious malice. "I am. Just waiting for someone. Or more."

Holdana would be coming to the fountain herself, showing no caution towards the man. She's dressed simply; soft leather forming armor across her body, a bow slung across her back, and a small hat covering her hair. She begins to wash her face, asking, 'Troubles? Or just wary of pickpockets?'

Shamaster stands up.

Shamaster leaves north.

The man eyes Holdana for a moment, almost studiously. He doesn't say anything, however, and averts his gaze after a moment or two.

Holdana nods, splashing her face with the liquid. "Wish I could help, but I'm too new to know anyone just yet. Name's Holdana Stromholm, of the kingdom Stromholm. Yourself?"

The man says, "Kirk. Kirk Vanier." He is pretty straightforward, it seems. "We met last night, albeit briefly. I witnessed your commencement."

Holdana says 'Aaaah. Sorry for not recognizing you sooner-I was rather focused on the cat last night."'

Kirk says "Well and good. No need for apologies."

Lowell looks somewhat skeptical, but resigns a nod. He glances to Holdana briefly before turning and burying his face in map again which, as is observable now, indeed of Truce.

Lilliana watches quietly.

Holdana says 'Though...I'm curious, admittedly. I made my wish solely because I distrust that feline. What was yours?'

Holdana looks at Lilliana.

Lilliana blinks in utter disbelief.

Holdana catches sight of Lilliana, nodding politely to her.

Lilliana nods in agreement to Holdana.

Kirk looks up. "You made a wish because you -distrust- him? That sounds rather foolish."

Kirk seems to have unintentionally disregarded the actual question, but the notion of Holdana's statement apparently grabbed his attention first.

Holdana says 'I was never accused of being overly wise, save for the sharpness of my tongue. But...'

Lowell leaves west.

Holdana goes to sit on the edge of the fountain, wringing out her hair. "I distrust his methods, but I don't want to dismiss him outright. I've put myself in a position where I can gather information, and make decisions in the future from my judgement."

Kirk shakes his head, looking away from Holdana. "You made the wrong choice then, lady. You have no reason to distrust him, I'll admit outright, but if you don't trust him you should've kept your distance. You're in the thick of things now."

Kirk's voice is calm but straightforward, sparing no sentiments or feeling in anything that comes out.

Holdana says 'Who said I wanted to stay out of it? All that is needed for evil men to win, is for the good ones to say and do nothing.'

Holdana says 'I am now in a position where I can see these witches myself, as well as his methods. I intend to see these witches myself.'

Kirk says "You'll wind up finding your distrust ill-placed and at times dangerous on the battlefield. Let us only hope it doesn't get you killed, like so many others I've seen."

Holdana says 'As I said-I've never had the burden of too much wisdom. I'll not risk my allies' lives, but I refuse to be ignorant either.'

Kirk says "It isn't your allies' lives you should be worrying about."

Holdana says 'Ah, but it is. For my life is...unnecessary, in the grand scheme of things.'

Lilliana says ' No one should ever think that about themselves...'

Kirk looks... contemplative, for a moment, as if figuring just how to respond to that. In the end, however, he says nothing.

Lilliana says ' It's .. It's not a good train of thought.'

Holdana says 'I'm not a death-seeker, but the Autonomous will claim me when it is my time.'

Holdana chuckles at Lilliana. "I don't fear death is all. Don't worry-If I do die, it will have been a fulfiling life. Few regrets."

Kirk still looks like he wants to say something amidst all this, yet refrains. Almost as if he knows better.

Holdana adds at mutter at the end as she frowns a touch. "Largely because I do foolish things like this, and justify them afterwards..."

Lilliana says ' You shouldn't just do what your emotions tell you to all the time...'

Lilliana says ' It doesn't end well..... It never does.'

Lilliana frowns.

Kirk says "Any way you look at it, we are allies in the same fight. So as long as you keep your head on your shoulders, you should be fine. Kyuubey didn't set us up to do this alone, so if you feel endangered, make sure you have someone to watch your back."

Holdana says 'When my instincts lead me wrong, I'll let you be the first to tell me 'told you so.' And that's true, Kirk. I'm not against any of you-I would fight to the death to keep others alive. I just want more information."'

Kirk says "There are lots of ways to attain information aside from jumping headlong into a situation you may not find yourself prepared for until later when it becomes too late to back out."

Lilliana says ' Seamus told me about the.. cat..'

Lilliana says ' That's the kyuubey you keep referring to... yes?'

Kirk says "Kyuubey, yes."

Holdana shrugs at the man picking apart her actions. "You've your beliefs, and I mine."

Kirk says "Fair enough. I concede."

Holdana chuckles again at Kirk. "So. Aside from that, who are you waiting on?"

Kirk says "The man from last night. I have something he should need."

Kirk pauses for a moment, then adds. "I sense a woman in the same situation, as well. But he is the only one I know of, immediately."

Holdana says 'Ah. The...large man. I wasn't aware they grew them so big out here.'

Lilliana says ' The Giaganto?.. Tyr... Tyra Tyraanis?'

Lilliana says ' He .. He comes here a lot.'

Lilliana says ' Since the Fight outside truce with the Black knight..'

Lilliana says ' He w..w wwaits around here a lot'

Lilliana has broken into a stutter for no discernable reason.

Holdana says '...I'll have to hear about that sometime. Sounds intriguing.'

Holdana looks at Tyrranis.

Kirk says "Just as well. A source is forming, and it won't be long before a new witch is born. It's a waiting game now, since nothing can help her."

Lilliana says ' Oh!'

Holdana says 'Mmm. I'm sure it will be...intriguing.'

Tyrranis stumbles a bit as he enters from the west, and pulls an arrow out of his shoulder with a small grunt. Not that he pays attention to anyone at the fountain, he heads right to the water and dunks his head in, drinking deeply.

Kirk looks up, and hesitates not at all; he stands, hopping down off the bench and waiting for Tyrranis to finish quenching his thirst.

Holdana gives the Giganto a bit of a disapproving look when he does that. "Speak of the devil. You alright, big guy?"

Tyrranis pulls his head out of the water, and then puts his back to the fountain proper, sliding down it to sit down. "I have seen better days than this one."

Kirk says "I'll bet you have. I have something for you, and your friend who I as of yet can't get a read on." He makes a point of letting Tyrranis know he is there, as to stand directly in front of him.

Holdana lets the boys talk, taking out a knife and a sharpening stone. Scraaaaaape, scraaaape...

Tyrranis looks up at Kirk, and nods again. "Ah. From last night. I am sorry, my memory is not working well enough to remember you." Besides the arrow wounds, there are few other superflous wounds on the giganto's body, and his bat is complete with a light coat of blood near the tip.

Kirk nods, but doesn't seem to emulate any sympathy; he merely withdraws from his hand a small black gem, with a sharp thorn extending from one end, and offers it to Tyrranis. "Even if it wasn't so obvious, I feel that this would do you good if you wish to be prepared for the coming battle."

Tyrranis reaches out, and takes the gem. A moment later, he nods, and pulls his own soul gem into being. Green lines course through the dark grey stone, and the entire thing looks extremely unhealthy. "Just apply it, correct?"

Holdana can't hold her curiosity any longer! "And what magic is in that little stone, praytell?"

Kirk nods. "Yes, just a small tap together should suffice. It is a fresh one, so there should be plenty for a second dose, as well. I'd like to see that given to another who I feel is becoming... darkened."

Tyrranis looks to Holdana. "This is a seed. It soaks up the corruption of our gems and cleanses them. The Wish Giver told me this was important... but I cannot remember why." With that, he sets the seed to the gem, and a light blooms from the meeting point of the two. When it receeds, Tyrranis' Soul Gem is a solid grey again.

Kirk nods satisfactorily, but his face remains more or less dormant, as though it was his duty, and nothing else, to do what he has done this evening.

Holdana quirks her head to the side, suddenly a bit more curious. "They...become corrupted often? How did yours get in such a state, Tyrannis?"

Tyrranis stands, and as he does so the wounds on his body begin knitting together slowly. "Use of power. My wish tends to use a great deal of power. That, and our magical forms. I thank you Kirk, now that I can remember your name. My state was dangerous. Who else requires the seed?"

Lilliana stares at the strange events happening before her, saying nothing.

Holdana nods, a worried look crossing her face...but it passes quickly. "I see. It's good to see you're able to clear your seed then, Tyrannis."

Kirk says "I do not know her name. Only her gender and the sensation that she has gone through several fights now without a cleansing. I would rather not see her situation grow dire so soon."

Kirk says "It was my hope that maybe you knew better than I."

Tyrranis says ' I will try to find another Wish Taker who is as damaged as I. The only other I remember is Crossroads, the Apple Knower.'

Holdana says '"Hm. I'll keep my eyes peeled-where would I acquire one of those stones, in case I run across her?'

Tyrranis grins darkly at Holdana's question. "You can get them by killing our enemy. Simple as it is dangerous."

Kirk says "That would be as good a place to start as any. I consider it my job to look after the new recruits and make sure they do no succumb before they fully realize what they stand for." His tone is, again, matter-of-fact.

Holdana says 'Simple. Very well then-I'll try to find her myself. Is there any way I might find another wish-taker besides hoping they show off their soul stone?"'

Kirk says "When you've been at it for a long time, you pick up on things. But for young ones, it's a matter of hoping and asking the right questions, I suppose."

Lilliana says ' ... What, what happens if those gems become fully corrupted?'

Lilliana sits up.

Lilliana says ' I'm c-curious.'

Holdana looks to the other two for an answer, just as curious!

Kirk keeps silent, apparently in direct response to Lilliana's question.

Tyrranis looks at Lilliana, and then smiles. "We continue to fight, regardless."

Lilliana says ' .... I see.'

Lilliana says ' I had no right to ask..'

Lilliana says ' I'm sorry.'

Lilliana stands up.

Tyrranis says ' It is not a bad thing.'

Holdana says 'Charming. I'll cope, I'm sure.'

Lilliana bows before Tyrranis.

Kirk gives Tyrannis a quick glance, but not long enough to draw attention to himself. Just the same, he keeps his silence, seemingly satisfied to have delivered the seed.

Holdana says 'I guess I'll have to accept that answer. Very well. While we're on the subject of allies, I should mention an enemy of mine. A demon named Balthalas. Black skin, wearing a blood red robe, and four horns atop his head. If you spy him, caution is advised. I want his head myself.'

Lilliana bows before Kirk

Lilliana bows before Holdana.

Lilliana leaves south.

Kirk says "Very well, then. I should depart. I'll see you soon, once the incubation period has finished. Don't disappoint me." He nods solemnly to the group, then heads off toward the south.

Tyrranis shrugs in response to Holdana, fits the seed into a hollow in the base of his bat, and rests on one of the benches. "Just a matter of time before a fight." His gaze turns towards the sky.

Holdana says 'Very well. May your journeys be light, Kirk.'

Kirk says, as he leaves the immediate area, and in a mere mutter, "Nowhere near as often as I'd like..."